COVER; ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS; CONTRIBUTORS; FOREWORD; CHAPTER ONE: Psychoanalytic understanding and psychoanalytic therapy: Veikko Tähkä's contributions; CHAPTER TWO: A Festschrift for Veikko Tähkä-2003; CHAPTER THREE: "Dissidence" in psychoanalysis: a psychoanalytic reflection; CHAPTER FOUR: Illusion and reality in the psychoanalytic relationship; CHAPTER FIVE: On transference: an historical and present-day perspective; CHAPTER SIX: Actualized unconscious fantasies and "therapeutic play" in adults' analyses: further study of these concepts; CHAPTER SEVEN: The past in the present: a case vignette
CHAPTER EIGHT: Sexualities and neosexualitiesCHAPTER NINE: Father makes a difference. The development of the son; CHAPTER TEN: Dreams in the therapeutic relationship; CHAPTER ELEVEN: A brief inquiry into the value of man; CHAPTER TWELVE: The religions of health and beauty; CHAPTER THIRTEEN: Descartes' cogito as a model of reality; CHAPTER FOURTEEN: The conceptual space of psychoanalysis; CHAPTER FIFTEEN: On the conditions of understanding. Reflections from the patient's point of view; CHAPTER SIXTEEN: On the idea of a new developmental object in psychoanalytic treatment
CHAPTER SEVENTEEN: When mother wasn't there to be leftFrom functional to developmental object: a case reportSCIENTIFIC BIBLIOGRAPHY: Veikko Tähkä, M.D.; INDEX
A collection of papers in honour of Veikko Tahka, a central pioneer in psychoanalysis and psychoanalytic psychotherapy in Finland. His influence and achievements have stimulated psychoanalytic dialogue all over the world, and this book from an international group of contributors will continue to inspire all who work in the psychoanalytic arena.