Acknowledgements Introduction: The Matter in Kinship; Jeanette Edwards Chapter 1. Knowing and Relating: Kinship, Assisted Reproductive Technologies and the New Genetics; Joan Bestard Chapter 2. Imagining Assisted Reproductive Technologies: Family, Kinship and 'Local Thinking' in Lithuania; Auksuole Cepaitiene Chapter 3. Eating Genes and Raising People: Kinship Thinking and Genetically Modified Food in the North of England; Cathrine Degnen Chapter 4. The Family Body: Persons, Bodies and Resemblance; Diana Marre and Joan Bestard Chapter 5. The Contribution of Homoparental Families to the Current Debate on Kinship; Anne Cadoret Chapter 6. Corpo-real Identities: Perspectives from a Gypsy Community; Nathalie Manrique Chapter 7. Incest, Embodiment, Genes and Kinship; Enric Porqueres i Gené and Jérôme Wilgaux (France) Chapter 8. 'Loving Mothers' at Work: Raising Others' Children and Building Families with the Intention to Love and Take Care; Eniko Demény Chapter 9. Adoption and Assisted Conception: One Universe of Unnatural Procreation. An Examination of Norwegian Legislation; Marit Melhuus and Signe Howell Chapter 10. Fields of Post-human Kinship; Ben Campbell Chapter 11. Are Genes Good to Think With?; Carles Salazar Notes on Contributors; Bibliography; Author Index; Subject Index
European kinship in the age of biotechnology.
Artificial insemination, Human-- Social aspects-- Europe.