Intro; Farm Business Management: The Human Factor Second Edition; Copyright; Contents; The Author; Acknowledgements; List of Figures; List of Tables; 1 Introduction; General Overview; The Case Study Farmers; Introducing Margrave; Introducing Hank; 2 What Defines Management Ability?; Introduction; Personality and its Links to Management; Personality and Tests; Attitude to Risky Situations; SET OF QUESTIONS TO ASSESS A FARMER'S RISK ATTITUDE; ANSWERS; Intelligence and its Links to Management; Intelligence and Tests; Motivation, Objectives and Emotional Intelligence; Learning Style
Bringing Together the Farmers' Views on CompetenciesSummary of Skills Required; Introduction; Risk management; Observation; Negotiating; Anticipation; Planning; Learning from experience; People skills; Implementation; Technology; Solutions; Analysis; Case farmers' views; Introducing Two Consultants, and Their Views on Skills; Bruce and his dairy farming interest; 'Prof' and his comments about the skills required; Concluding Comments; Appendix 5A. Survey on Managerial Factors; A. GENERAL; B. IMPORTANCE OF MANAGERIAL ATTRIBUTES; C. IMPORTANCE OF ENTREPRENEURIAL SKILLS; D. MANAGERIAL STYLE
E. GOALS AND AIMSF. COMPUTER USE; G. IMPORTANCE OF PERSONAL ATTRIBUTES; H. PERSONAL FEATURES; I. MANAGERIAL TRAINING; 6 Biases and Stress; Introduction; Areas of Bias; Observation; Forecasting; People relationships; Decision principles; Implementation; General; Stress and Decisions; Introduction; Combating stress; The Case Farmers' Thoughts on Bias and Stress; Margrave's case; Now Hank's views; Concluding Comments and Bias Reduction; 7 Intuition; Introduction; The Background to Intuition; Experience; Decision systems; Modelling intuition; Introduction
IntroductionTest -- Reality check; 4 Decision Processes and Goals; Introduction; Decision Processes; Linear approach; Decision rules; Problem recognition; Dynamic approaches; Modifications to the processes; Constructs; Intuition (or tacit knowledge) and experts; Innovations and their adoption; Objectives and Their Impact on the Managerial Processes; Maximization; Satisficing; Multiple goals; Integration; Complications; Concluding Comments; 5 Skills Required; Introduction; The Questionnaire, Sample and the Respondents; Managerial Attributes; Entrepreneurial Skills; Personal Attributes
The diverging styleThe assimilating style; The converging style; The accommodating style; Concluding Comments; Appendix 2A. Managerial Style Test; Appendix 2B. Managerial Aptitude Test; Instructions; I. MEMORY; II. EXPERIENCE; III. CREATIVITY; IV. GENERAL; V. SHAPES; VI. CALCULATIONS; 3 The Origins of Managerial Ability; Introduction; Objectives; GOALS AND AIMS; Locus of Control; QUESTION SET TO ASSESS A FARMER'S LOCUS OF CONTROL; Relating LOC to Managerial Factors; Modelling Managerial Ability; Factors giving rise to ability; Modelling results; Concluding Comments; Appendix 3A. Observation
The underlying economic factors that effect primary production are frequently studied and written about - soil quality, animal health, climate, machinery. This book explores the psychology of successful farm business management and decision making