Cover -- Copyright -- Credits -- About the Author -- Acknowledgments -- About the Reviewer -- -- Customer Feedback -- Table of Contents -- Preface -- Chapter 1: Getting started with Puppet -- Why do we need Puppet anyway? -- Keeping the configuration synchronized -- Repeating changes across many servers -- Self-updating documentation -- Version control and history -- Why not just write shell scripts? -- Why not just use containers? -- Why not just use serverless? -- Configuration management tools -- What is Puppet?
Fetching and applying changes automaticallyWriting a manifest to set up regular Puppet runs -- Applying the run-puppet manifest -- The run-puppet script -- Testing automatic Puppet runs -- Managing multiple nodes -- Summary -- Chapter 4: Understanding Puppet resources -- Files -- The path attribute -- Managing whole files -- Ownership -- Permissions -- Directories -- Trees of files -- Symbolic links -- Packages -- Uninstalling packages -- Installing specific versions -- Installing the latest version -- Installing Ruby gems
Installing gems in Puppet's contextUsing ensure_packages -- Services -- The hasstatus attribute -- The pattern attribute -- The hasrestart and restart attributes -- Users -- Creating users -- The user resource -- The group resource -- Managing SSH keys -- Removing users -- Cron resources -- Attributes of the cron resource -- Randomizing cron jobs -- Removing cron jobs -- Exec resources -- Automating manual interaction -- Attributes of the exec resource -- The user attribute -- The onlyif and unless attributes -- The refreshonly attribute
Querying resources with the puppet resourceServices -- Getting help on resources with puppet describe -- The package-file-service pattern -- Notifying a linked resource -- Resource ordering with require -- Summary -- Chapter 3: Managing your Puppet code with Git -- What is version control? -- Tracking changes -- Sharing code -- Creating a Git repo -- Making your first commit -- How often should I commit? -- Branching -- Distributing Puppet manifests -- Creating a GitHub account and project -- Pushing your repo to GitHub -- Cloning the repo
Resources and attributesPuppet architectures -- Getting ready for Puppet -- Installing Git and downloading the repo -- Installing VirtualBox and Vagrant -- Running your Vagrant VM -- Troubleshooting Vagrant -- Summary -- Chapter 2: Creating your first manifests -- Hello, Puppet â#x80;#x93; your first Puppet manifest -- Understanding the code -- Modifying existing files -- Dry-running Puppet -- How Puppet applies the manifest -- Creating a file of your own -- Managing packages -- How Puppet applies the manifest -- Exercise
Puppet 5 Beginner's Guide, Third Edition is a practical guide that gets you up and running with the very latest features of Puppet 5. About This Book Develop skills to run Puppet 5 on single or multiple servers without hiccups Use Puppet to create and manage cloud resources such as Amazon EC2 instances Take full advantage of powerful new features of Puppet including loops, data types, Hiera integration, and container management Who This Book Is For Puppet 5 Beginner's Guide, Third Edition is designed for those who are new to Puppet, including system administrators and developers who are looking to manage computer server systems for configuration management. No prior programming or system administration experience is assumed. What You Will Learn Understand the latest Puppet 5 features Install and set up Puppet and discover the latest and most advanced features Configure, build, and run containers in production using Puppet's industry-leading Docker support Deploy configuration files and templates at super-fast speeds and manage user accounts and access control Automate your IT infrastructure Use the latest features in Puppet 5 onward and its official modules Manage clouds, containers, and orchestration Get to know the best practices to make Puppet more reliable and increase its performance In Detail Puppet 5 Beginner's Guide, Third Edition gets you up and running with the very latest features of Puppet 5, including Docker containers, Hiera data, and Amazon AWS cloud orchestration. Go from beginner to confident Puppet user with a series of clear, practical examples to help you manage every aspect of your server setup. Whether you're a developer, a system administrator, or you are simply curious about Puppet, you'll learn Puppet skills that you can put into practice right away. With practical steps giving you the key concepts you need, this book teaches you how to install packages and config files, create users, set up scheduled jobs, provision cloud instances, build containers, and so much more. Every example in this book deals with something real and practical that you're likely to need in your work, and you'll see the complete Puppet code that makes it happen, along with step-by-step instructions for what to type and what output you'll see. All the examples are available in a GitHub repo for you to download and adapt for your own server setup. Style and approach This tutorial is packed with quick step-by-step instructions that are immediately ...