Rowman & Littlefield International - intersections
Includes bibliographical references and index.
Introduction / Atsuko Matsuoka and John Sorenson -- 1. Animal Agency, Resistance, and Escape / Sarat Colling -- 2. Face Us and Bear Witness! "Come Closer, as Close as You Can. . . and Try to Help!": Tolstoy, Bearing Witness, and the Save Movement / Ian Purdy and Anita Krajnc -- 3. The Disengagement of Journalistic Discourse about Nonhuman Animals: An Analysis / Karen Davis -- 4. Advertising Oppression: The Reproduction of Anthroparchy in UK Children's and "Family" Television / Matthew Cole and Kate Stewart -- 5. Animal Emancipation and Historical Archaeology: A Pairing Long Overdue / Daniel O. Sayers and Justin E. Uehlein -- 6. Political Science and the Animal Question / Paul Hamilton -- 7. For Spatial Emancipation in Critical Animal Studies / Richard J. White and Simon Springer -- 8. Psychological Implications of Undervaluing Animals: Dominance-Based Ideologies and Systems of Oppression / Gordon Hodson and Kimberly Costello -- 9. Humanizing the Nonhuman: A Legitimate Way for Animals to Escape Juridical Property Status? / Maneesha Deckha -- 8. Posthumaist Animal Studies and Zoopolitical Law / Krithika Srinivasan -- 11. Animal Ethics, the New Materialism, and the Question of Subjectivity / Josephine Donovan -- 12. A Critique of the Case against Empathy to Animal Ethics / Elisa Aaltola -- 13. The Radical Potential of Analytic Animal Liberation Philosophy / Jason Wyckoff -- 14. The Roots of My Indigenous Veganism / Margaret Robinson -- 15. Indigenous Worldviews and Critical Animal Studies: Decolonization and Revealing Truncated Narratives of Dominance / Ruth Koleszar-Green and Atsuko Matsouka.