1. Introduction / Susan Watson and P.M. Vasudev -- 2. Globalizing up corporate law / Franklin A. Gevurtz -- 3. China's national champions : governance change through globalization? / Li-Wen Lin -- 4. The taxonomy of the modern company / Susan Watson -- 5. Corporate governance codes as regulatory tools to advance stakeholder concerns in the corporation / Brigitte Haar -- 6. Empire-building : the rise of the audit committee / Brenda Hannigan -- 7. Answering the say for no pay / Christoph Van der Elst -- 8. Banks, corporate governance and the public interest : the potential role of public interest directors / Gail E. Henderson -- 9. Organisational form and financial stability : lessons from cooperative banks in the US and UK / Michael Marin.
"The world is changing. Old certainties were swept away by the Financial Crisis of 2008. States are grappling with the implications of new thinking about the ways in which the role and nature of corporations should be viewed and therefore regulated. This timely study uses perspectives of scholars from around the world to highlight and provide critical analysis of innovations in corporate governance adopted in a range of jurisdictions, both mature and developing. Due to their primary importance, particular attention is paid to the governance of banks."