Action point 3: Protect the fundamental human right of all residents to sustainable, healthful, nutritious and adequate food. A well-fed nation is a healthy nation is a sustainable, productive nation. This means ensuring food security and nutrition for aAction point 4: Make a nation's food of high nutritional value with a nationwide programme for enriching and monitoring nutrient values of the food supply through a national data base monitor, making sure it is safe, free of pathogens and environmentally
Action point 5: Direct the food industry, through legislation, to produce healthy, nutritious (minimally processed) foods in a sustainable manner with less sugars, salt and additives that may adversely affect health. Production and marketing must be
Includes bibliographical references.
Intro; Sustainable Diets Linking Nutrition and Food Systems; Copyright; Contents; Preface; Contributors; Introduction; Qualitative and Quantitative Approaches; Moving forward; 1 Sustainable Diets: a Bundle of Problems (Not One) in Search of Answers; Introduction: the Philosophical Challenges of (Un)Sustainable Diets; Unpicking (Un)Sustainable Diets; Sustainable Diets: a New Old Problem; Multicriteria Versus Single-focus Policy Approaches; Whether Simple or Complex, who is Going to Take a Lead?; Conclusion: the Limits to Individual Choice as a Motor of Change; References
2 Sustainable Diets: the Public Health PerspectiveIntroduction; The Conceptual Basis to the Relationship Between Sustainable Diets and Public Health; Contemporary Changes in Food Supply and Demand and Dietary Impacts; The Impacts of Contemporary Diets on the Environment and Nutrition; Dietary impacts on the environment; Dietary impacts on nutrition; The characteristics of sustainable diets for protecting public health; Moderate consumption; Shift current dietary patterns to more plant-based diets; Reduce consumption of ultra-processed food products; Reduce food waste
Action point 1: Make food systems sustainable along the entire food chain -- from production to consumption, protecting resources such as soil, air and water in the light of climate change challenges -- and reduce food losses and waste (SDGs 7, 12, 13, 14Action point 2: Strengthen the current agricultural basis, recognize its vital importance in providing local food and strive to align it towards the best practices in sustainable agriculture (SDGs 13, 14 and 15)
Priority Activities for Promoting Sustainable Diets for Public HealthPolicies to promote sustainable diets; Empowering people to consume sustainable diets; Research to better understand and promote sustainable diets; Conclusion; References; 3 The Challenges of Sustainable Food Systems Where Food Security Meets Sustainability -- What are Countries Doing?; Introduction; Food Security and Sustainability; From Pillars to Pathways
This book takes a transdisciplinary approach and considers multisectoral actions, integrating health, agriculture and environmental sector issues, to comprehensively explore the topic of sustainable diets. It informs readers with arguments, challenges, perspectives, policies, actions and solutions on this global topic.
Sustainable Diets : Linking Nutrition and Food Systems.