Contestations, Compliance and Women's Empowerment /
edited by Charmaine Pereira.
London :
Zed Books,
1 online resource (272 pages)
Feminisms and Development
Includes bibliographical references and index.
Feminisms and Development; About the Editor; Title; Copyright; Contents; Acknowledgements; Preface; Introduction: Changing Narratives of Sexuality; Heteronormativity and sexualities; Sexualities and women's empowerment; On context and change; Changing narratives of sexuality; Organization of the book; References; Part I Negotiating Desire?; 1 Rewriting Desire as Empowerment in the Women and Memory Forum's Storytelling Project; Rewriting the oversexual, writing the asexual; Rewriting women's sexual agency; Conclusion; Notes; References.
2 Islam in Urban Bangladesh: Changing Worldviews and Reconfigured SexualityThe women; Religious worldviews; The narratives; Implications for women's agency and empowerment; Notes; References; 3 Loving and Fearing: Township Girls' Agency amidst Sexual Risk; Contextualizing sexualities; Provider love; Fearing love; Conclusion; Acknowledgements; Notes; References; Part II Body Politics and Sexualities; 4 Reporting Anita: Nudity in Nigerian Newspapers; Anita's story; Reporting Anita; On narratives of sexuality and women's empowerment; References.
5 Ageing Women and the Culture of Eternal Youth: Personal and Theoretical Reflections from a Feminist over Sixty in BrazilA question of gender; Gendered bodies; Embodied subjectivities; Some conclusions; Notes; References; 6 Unmarried in Palestine: Embodiment and (Dis)Empowerment in the Lives of Single Palestinian Women; Bodies, borders and biopolitics; The 'crisis' of unmarried women: regional and Palestinian discourses; Demographic profiles; Table 6.1 Proportion of never-married women, West Bank and Gaza; Is education empowerment? The significance of location and mobility.
8 Gender and Sexuality Activism in Beijing: Negotiating International Influences and National and Local ProcessesChanging relations among donors, government and activists; Gender and sexuality activism in China; What space for women's empowerment?; Notes; References; About the Contributors; Index.
Marriage age, staying single and 'change'Tropes of dis-ease and disorder: customary marriage, old men and young brides; Virtual dangers, actual bodies; Can unmarried women be happy?; Acknowledgements; Notes; References; Part III Changing Institutions?; 7 Narratives of Egyptian Marriages; First narrative: the institutional construction of marriage; Second narrative: lived realities of marriage; Procedural reforms: are they transforming marriage?; Concluding thoughts; Notes; References.
Changing Narratives of Sexuality examines the tensions and contradictions in constructions of gender, sexuality and women's empowerment in the various narrations of sexuality told by and about women. This impressive collection explores sexuality in a wide range of national contexts in the global South, analysing what scope exists for women to subvert repressive norms and conceptions of heterosexuality, interweaving rich, contextual detail with theoretical concerns.
Ingram Content Group
Changing Narratives of Sexuality.
Feminism-- Social aspects-- Developing countries.
Power (Social sciences)
Sex discrimination against women-- Developing countries.