Frontcover -- Contents -- List of illustrations and tables -- Preface -- Abbreviations -- Selected glossary of landscape terms used in place names -- 1 Norway's awakening -- 2 1862-1888: Bradford, Florida and Leipzig -- 3 1888-1889: With Grieg on the heights -- 4 1890-1891: 'C'est de la Norderie' -- 5 1892-1895: Norway lost -- 6 1896: Norway regained -- 7 1897: Front page news -- 8 1898-1902: Unshakeable self-belief -- 9 1903-1907: Breakthrough in Germany and England -- 10 1908-1912: Changes of direction -- 11 1912-1918: High hills, dark forests -- 12 1919-1934: Myth and reality in Lesjaskog -- Appendix I: List of visits to Norway -- Appendix II: Works with Norwegian and Danish texts and associations -- Selected bibliography and archival sources -- Index.
Norway was a primary source of inspiration for Delius: 20 summers of his adult life were spent there, and almost 40 works express his experiences of Norwegian nature or were composed to Norwegian texts. Yet, although his attachment to Norway was at the core of his creative life, this book is the first in-depth study of the influence the country and its artists had on the composer. It includes significant new material regarding Delius's friendships with Edvard Munch, Edvard Grieg and Knut Hamsun. Previously unknown visits to Norway are detailed, as are close ties to a whole raft of Norwegian artists and political figures that have never previously been documented. For the first time, Delius's alter ego is uncovered, several mythologies regarding the composer are clarified, and the Norwegian background to some of his most well-known works is considered. The Delius that emerges from these pages is little known, even to most enthusiasts of his music: a driven and energetic personality and an artist searching for a language with which to express the existential crisis facing modern man in the early twentieth century.