Optimizing NMR methods for structure elucidation :
characterizing natural products and other organic compounds /
Darcy C. Burns, William F. Reynolds.
[Cambridge] :
Royal Society of Chemistry,
1 online resource
New developments in NMR ;
Includes index.
Title from title details screen.
Cover; Author Biographies; Acknowledgements; Dedication; Contents; Chapter 1 Introduction; References; Chapter 2 Basics of the NMR Experiment; 2.1 Spin and Magnetic Properties of Nuclei; 2.2 Behavior of Magnetic Nuclei in a Static External Magnetic Field; 2.3 Alternative Simplified Descriptions of the Basic NMR Experiment; 2.4 Key NMR Parameters; 2.4.1 Chemical Shifts; 2.4.2 Coupling Constants; 2.4.3 Relaxation Times; 2.4.4 Nuclear Overhauser Enhancements; References; Chapter 3 Pulsed Fourier Transform NMR; 3.1 Historical Background; 3.2 Basic Theory of Pulsed FT NMR.
3.3 Sampling Rate, Dwell Time, Acquisition Time and Digital Resolution3.4 Analog to Digital Conversion and Digital Oversampling; 3.5 Quadrature Detection; 3.6 Fold-in Peaks and Analog or Digital Filters; 3.7 Avoiding Partial Saturation in Multi-scan Spectra; 3.8 Zero Filling; References; Chapter 4 The NMR Spectrometer; 4.1 The Magnet; 4.1.1 Superconducting Solenoids; 4.1.2 Potential Future Developments; 4.2 NMR Probes; 4.2.1 Room Temperature Probes; 4.2.2 Cryogenically Cooled Probes; 4.2.3 Flow NMR Probes; 4.3 Console; 4.4 Other Useful Accessories; 4.5 Buying an NMR Spectrometer.
4.6 Maintaining an NMR SpectrometerReferences; Chapter 5 Acquiring 1H and 13C Spectra; 5.1 1H and 13C Spin-Lattice Relaxation Times for Typical Organic Molecules in the 150-450 Dalton Molecular Weight Range; 5.2 Sample and Spectrometer Preparation; 5.2.1 Solvent Choice; 5.2.2 Sample Preparation; 5.2.3 Spectrometer Preparation; 5.3 Acquiring and Processing Routine 1H Spectra; 5.4 Acquiring and Processing Routine 13C Spectra; 5.5 Reporting Data for Routine 1H and 3C Spectra; 5.6 Acquiring Quantitative 1H Spectra; 5.6.1 Reasons for Acquiring Quantitative 1H NMR Spectra.
5.6.2 Conditions for Acquiring Quantitative Spectra and Accurately Measuring Peak Areas5.6.3 Internal Versus External Referencing; 5.7 Summary of Recommendations for Chapter 5; References; Chapter 6 One-dimensional Pulse Sequences; 6.1 Relaxation Time Measurements; 6.1.1 T1 Measurements; 6.1.2 T2 Measurements; 6.2 Pulse Sequences for 13C Spectral Editing; 6.2.1 INEPT and DEPT; 6.2.2 APT and CRAPT; 6.3 Pulse Sequences for Solvent Suppression; 6.4 Pure Shift Pulse Sequences; References; Chapter 7 Two-dimensional NMR Basics.
7.1 Alternative Methods of Generating Information During the Evolution Period7.2 Homonuclear or Heteronuclear 2D Spectra; 7.3 Direct Detection or Inverse Detection for Heteronuclear 2D Sequences; 7.4 Absolute Value or Phase Sensitive 2D Spectra; 7.5 Weighting Functions for Processing 2D Data Sets; 7.6 Coherence Pathways, Phase Cycling and Gradient Selection; 7.6.1 Coherence Pathways; 7.6.2 Phase Cycling; 7.6.3 Gradient Selection; 7.7 Alternative Acquisition and Processing Methods for Saving Time When Acquiring 2D Spectra; 7.7.1 Forward Linear Prediction; 7.7.2 Non-uniform (Sparse) Sampling.
This book is aimed at informing organic chemists and natural products chemists on the use of NMR for structure elucidation to enable them to ensure they yield the most reliable possible data in the minimum possible time.