[edited by] John Mesa, Steven R. Buchman, Donald R. Mackay, Joseph E. Losee, Robert J. Havlik.
New York :
1 online resource
Written by the world's foremost experts, Atlas of Operative Craniofacial Surgery with its accompanying videos is a unique resource that offers the reader a succinct yet comprehensive guide to performing craniofacial operations. In each chapter, renowned specialists share their strategies for selecting patients, executing effective preoperative planning, comprehending detailed operative techniques, instituting postoperative care best practices, dealing with possible complications, and much more. The wide array of covered topics includes the cranial vault, reconstruction of the facial bones, orbital fracture repair, rhinoplasty, maxillary and mandibular operations, ear reconstruction, and cleft lip and palate repair. Over 1400 intraoperative photos and 300 drawings guide the reader through each operative procedure in a step-by-step fashion. Emphasis on how the procedures are performed, rather than on theory. Includes case studies that show the results of the discussed techniques. Accompanied by 20 surgical technique videos. Presented in cooperation with the American Society of Maxillofacial Surgeons (ASMS) and the American Society of Craniofacial Surgery (ASCFS), this beautiful atlas is essential for all those involved with craniofacial surgery, including craniofacial surgeons, craniofacial surgery fellows, maxillofacial residents, and others"--Provided by publisher.
Includes bibliographical references and index.
Atlas of Operative Craniofacial Surgery; Media Center Information; Title Page; Copyright; Contributors; Foreword; Preface; Acknowledgments; Contents; Video Contents; PART I: FUNDAMENTALS; 1 Fundamental Principles; 2 Craniofacial Nerve Blocks; PART II: CRANIAL VAULT AND BONY FACE; 3 Unicoronal Craniosynostosis Reconstruction: Fronto-orbital Advancement; 4 Fronto-orbital Advancement for Correction of Metopic Craniosynostosis; 5 Sagittal Craniosynostosis Reconstruction: Total Cranial Vault Remodeling; 6 Posterior Cranial Vault Expansion
38 Sphincter Pharyngoplasty39 The Posterior Pharyngeal Flap; 40 Alveolar Bone Grafting; Index; Additional MedOne Information
7 Monobloc Frontofacial Advancement: Indications and Technique8 Orbital Box Osteotomy for Orbital Dystopia; 9 Frontal Sinus Cranialization; 10 Transfacial Approaches to the Skull Base; PART III: ORBITAL; 11 Repair of Orbital Floor Fractures; 12 Treatment of Naso-orbitoethmoid Fractures; 13 Medial and Lateral Orbital Wall Fractures; 14 Canthopexy and Canthoplasty; PART IV: NOSE; 15 Cranial Bone Graft Harvest; 16 Nasal Osteotomies; 17 Primary Cleft Lip Rhinoplasty; PART V: MAXILLA AND MANDIBLE; 18 LeFort I Osteotomy; 19 LeFort II Osteotomy; 20 LeFort III Osteotomy; 21 Model Surgery
This clinical book + videos embraces the spectrum of craniofacial surgery Written by the world's foremost experts, Atlas of Operative Craniofacial Surgery with its accompanying videos is a unique resource that offers the reader a succinct yet comprehensive guide to performing craniofacial operations. In each chapter, renowned specialists share their strategies for selecting patients, executing effective preoperative planning, comprehending detailed operative techniques, instituting postoperative care best practices, dealing with possible complications, and much more. Key Features The wide arra.