[edited by] Filippo Gagliardi, Cristian Gragnaniello, Pietro Mortini, Anthony J. Caputy
New York, NY :
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Includes bibliographical references and index
Part I Presurgical Training: Training Models in Neurosurgery -- Assessment of Surgical Exposure -- Part II Planning, Patient Positioning, and Basic Techniques: Anatomical Landmarks and Cranial Anthropometry -- Presurgical Planning By Images -- Patient Positioning -- Fundamentals of Cranial Neurosurgery -- Skin Incisions, Head and Neck Soft-Tissue Dissection -- Techniques of Temporal Muscle Dissection -- Intraoperative Imaging -- Part III Cranial Approaches: Precaruncular Approach to the Medial Orbit and Central Skull Base -- Supraorbital Approach -- Trans-Ciliar Approach -- Lateral Orbitotomy -- Frontal and Bifrontal Approach -- Frontotemporal and Pterional Approach -- Mini-Pterional Approach -- Combined Orbito-Zygomatic Approaches -- Midline Interhemispheric Approach -- Temporal Approach and Variants -- Intradural Subtemporal Approach -- Extradural Subtemporal Transzygomatic Approach -- Occipital Approach -- Supracerebellar Infratentorial Approach -- Endoscopic Approach to Pineal Region -- Midline Suboccipital Approach -- Retrosigmoid Approach -- Endoscopic Retrosigmoid Approach -- Far Lateral Approach and Principles of Vertebral Artery Mobilization -- Trans-Frontal-Sinus Subcranial Approach -- Transbasal and Extended Subfrontal Bilateral Approach -- Trauma Flap and Osteo-Dural Decompression Techniques -- Surgical Anatomy of the Petrous Bone -- Part IV Transpetrosal Approaches: Anterior Petrosectomy -- Presigmoid Retrolabyrinthine Approach -- Translabyrinthine and Transcochlear Transpetrosal Approach -- Translabyrinthine and Transcochlear Transpetrosal Approach: Nasal Surgical Anatomy -- Microscopic Endonasal and Sublabial Approach -- Endoscopic Endonasal Transphenoidal Approach -- Expanded Endoscopic Endonasal Approach -- Endoscopic Endonasal Modified Lothrop Approach to Anterior Cranial Fossa -- Endoscopic Endonasal Odontoidectomy -- Endoscopic Transoral Approach -- Transmaxillary Approaches -- Transmaxillary Transpterygoid Approach -- Endoscopic Endonasal Transclival Approach with Transcondylar Extension -- Endoscopic Endonasal Transmaxillary Approach to the Vidian Canal and Meckel's Cave -- Part VI Vascular Procedures: Superficial Temporal Artery -- Middle Cerebral Artery Bypass -- High Flow Bypass (Common Carotid Artery -- Middle Cerebral Artery) -- Middle Cerebral Artery -- Internal Maxillary Artery Bypass -- Part VII Ventricular Shunts Procedures: Anthropometry for Ventricular Puncture -- Ventricular-Peritoneal Shunt -- Endoscopic Septostomy -- Endoscopic Septostomy -- Endoscopic Third Ventriculostomy and Biopsy of Pineal Region
Essential procedural aspects are discussed in 53 chapters, starting with sections on pre-surgical training and planning, patient positioning, and basic techniques. Subsequent sections detail cranial approaches; transpetrosal approaches; endonasal, transoral, and transmaxillary procedures; vascular procedures; and ventricular shunts procedures. Surgical technique fundamentals and basic variants, including surgical anatomy and landmarks, are highlighted in 500 figures and illustrations.Key features: Summaries, graphics, and schematic drawings provide immediate access to salient information to utilize during surgical dissections and for surgical preparation; A wide spectrum of cranial procedures covered in 23 chapters - from the precaruncular approach to the medial orbit and central skull base - to surgical anatomy of the petrous bone; Diverse endonasal procedures including sublabial, transphenoidal, modified lothrop, odontoidectomy, and endoscopic endonasal transmaxillary; Vascular procedures such as middle cerebral artery bypass and internal maxillary artery bypass. -- Publisher.