What is ethics? -- Prudence and living a good life -- The language of health care ethics -- Making health care decisions -- Deciding for others -- Determining life and death -- Life-sustaining treatments -- Cardiopulmonary resuscitation -- Medical nutrition and hydration -- Reproductive issues -- Prenatal life -- Infants and children -- Euthanasia and physician-assisted suicide -- Medical and behavioral research -- Transplantation -- Medical genetics and genomics.
This is a new edition of a classic textbook in health care ethics, one that offers an alternative to the principle-based approach from Beauchamp and Childress (Principles of Biomedical Ethics, now in its seventh edition from OUP) and traditional Catholic approaches of Ashley and O'Rourke. In the early chapters Devettere spells out the meaning of ethics and the importance of prudential reasoning in seeking the good life. The rest of the book deals with issues and cases, including determinations of life and death, reproduction and research and genetics, and the distribution of health care. In this fourth edition Devettere updates all chapters and adds new cases and new sections on the following: neuroscience, social psychology, overriding advance directives, studies on the fetus, the palliative care movement, cardiopulmonary resuscitation, pharmacists and reproductive issues, prenatal life and abortion, neonatal testing and mandatory vaccinations, the US governments' STD research in Guatemala, the emergence of biobanks, facial transplantations, genetic testing, legal issues around the Affordable Care Act, and more. This is an accessible and comprehensive textbook covering all aspects of the field.