Cover; Title Page; Copyright Page; Table of Contents; Introduction; Combinations for Spring and Summer; Captivating Combinations for Bright Locations; Bad Hair Day; Color and Cut; Smoke Signals; Savvy Solution; Aging Gracefully; Fit for a King; Pocket Prairie; Sitting Pretty; Dripping with Jewels; The Long View; Bee Happy; Calculated Risk; Contained Excitement; Cherry Garcia; Dipped in Rosé; Pizzazz with Palms; Treasure Hunt; Twist and Shout; Will-O'-the Wisp; Foliage Explosion; Summer Crunch; Naughty But Nice; Gone Fishing; In the Spotlight; Puzzle Me Perfect; Midas Touch.
Beauty Without the Beast; Berry Fiesta; Make a Wish; Lemon Layer Cake; Secret Weapon; Tropical Tapestry; Picture of Innocence; Citrus Splash; Final Flourish; Sassitude; The Gilded Age; Summer Galaxy; Portable Portrait; Color Play; Purple Passion; Shadows and Silhouettes; Incredible Edibles; Unexpected Prize; Nesting Instincts; Pretty in Pink; Focal Point Formula; The Green Light; Flavor of the Month; Easy Breezy; Welcome to the Party; Silver Dust; Cool Ideas for Shaded Spaces; Aquascapes; Unlikely Trio; All the Right Notes; Casual Sophistication; Abstract Art; Tropical Staycation.
Berries, Blades, and Branches; A Warm Embrace; Dinosaur Soup; Golden Moments; Ice Cream Sandwich; A Point in Time; Rainless, Rocky, and Restful; Scentsational; Winter Whites; Bejeweled; Cabbage Queen; Fall Symphony; Mixed-up Mosaic; Swimming with Succulents; Sculptures and Skeletons; Mise en Place; Lovable Rogue; A Vertical Twist; The Ticklish Porcupine; Fire and Ice; Serendipity; Traffic Alert; Balance; Emerald Isle; Pumpkin Spice Latte; Golden Threads; Soup for the Soul; Inspired Designs for Shady Locations; Winter Sparklers; Pure Indulgence; A Queen and Her Court; Hanky Panky in the Shade.
Classics Ablaze; A Woodland Romance; Fuss-free Drama; A Winter Romance; Ring of Fire; Almost Native; Cool Cola; Frills and Fronds; Contemporary Holiday; Metric Conversions; Further Reading; Acknowledgments; Photo Credits; Design and Location Credits; Index; About the Authors.
Lemon Drop Martini; Connect the Dots; Petite Beauty; Sharing the Spotlight; Spring Fever; Color Carousel; The New Black; The Magpie Effect; A Plum Opportunity; The Bells of Spring; Blues with a Feeling; Double Duty; Sunrise, Sunset; Whipped Cream on Lemon Mousse; Triptych; Dreamsicle; Star Struck; Vivid, Vivacious, and Violet; Tickled Pink; Limited Edition; Rustic with a Twist; Delicate Details; Mixed and Match; Stalwart Standouts; Rich and Robust; Jurassic Moment; Pineapple Crush; Starburst; Combinations for Fall and Winter; Dazzling Displays for Sunny Areas; Understated Opulence.
Gardening with Foliage First has something for every gardener-beginners will learn how to choose the right foliage plants, experienced gardeners will be inspired by fresh twists on old favorites, and everyone will be encouraged to create a beautiful, year-round garden.
Workman Pub Co, Attn: Mary Beth 225 Varick st, New York, NY, USA, 10014, (212)2545900