Ubiquitous Positioning; Contents; Acknowledgements; Chapter 1 Introduction; 1.1 The Concept of Ubiquitous Positioning; 1.2 The Aim of This Book; 1.3 The Structure of This Book; 1.3.1 Background and Overview; 1.3.2 Motivation, Business, and Applications; 1.3.3 Technologies of Whereness; 1.3.4 Whereness and the Future; 1.3.5 The Epilogue; 1.4 General Principles; 1.4.1 Some History and Terminology; 1.4.2 Today's Opportunities and the Current Fragmented Market; 1.4.3 Position, Location, and Coordinates; 1.4.4 Remote and Autonomous Positioning; 1.4.5 The Inadequacies of GPS.
1.4.6 Ubiquitous Computing1.4.7 Context Aware Computing; 1.4.8 User Profile; 1.4.9 A Priori Information; 1.4.10 Positioning Practicalities; 1.4.11 The Ad Hoc Approach to Sharing Location; 1.4.12 Quality of Information; 1.4.13 Robotic Systems and Machine Intelligence; 1.5 Summary; References; Chapter 2 Overview of Whereness; 2.1 Whereness in the Changing Digital Networked Economy; 2.1.1 Convergence; 2.1.2 Disruptive Technology; 2.1.3 Openness and Web 2.0; 2.1.4 Commoditization and Diversification; 2.2 Today's Whereness Businesses; 2.2.1 ITS and LBS; 2.3 Future Whereness Applications.
2.3.1 Management of Scarce Resources2.3.2 Demography, Health, and Well-Being; 2.3.3 Self-Actualization; 2.3.4 Humanizing Big Brother; 2.4 Radio Positioning; 2.4.1 Communications and Sensing; 2.4.2 Transparency; 2.4.3 Far-Field and Near-Field Communications; 2.4.4 Useful Radio Characteristics; 2.4.5 Global Navigational Satellite Systems (GNSS) and GPS; 2.4.6 Cellular Positioning; 2.4.7 WiFi Positioning; 2.4.8 Ultrawideband Positioning; 2.5 NonRadio and Sensor-Based Positioning; 2.5.1 Communications Cable Contact; 2.5.2 Electronic Diaries and Calendars; 2.5.3 Infrared; 2.5.4 Ultrasonics.
2.5.5 Optical Video Cameras2.5.6 Magnetic Fields; 2.5.7 Mechanical and Inertial Systems; 2.5.8 Sensor Fusion; 2.5.9 A Summary of Positioning Methods; 2.6 Web 2.0 and Maps; 2.7 Conclusion and Vision; 2.7.1 Future Whereness Technology; 2.7.2 The Semantic Web; 2.7.3 Simultaneous Location and Mapping; 2.8 Summary; References; Chapter 3 Whereness in the Future DigitalNetworked Economy; 3.1 Convergence and Disruption; 3.2 Commercial Frameworks; 3.3 The Impact of Openness; 3.4 Whereness and the Future Digital Networked Economy; 3.4.1 Falling Cost; 3.4.2 Web Services.
3.4.3 Geographically Tagged Information3.4.4 Information Commons; 3.4.5 Trust Support Services; 3.4.6 Opportunities as the Scope of the Internet Increases; 3.4.7 Simplicity; 3.4.8 Wirelessness; 3.4.9 Whereness as a New Utility?; 3.5 Businesses Relevant to Whereness; 3.5.1 Global Navigational Satellite System (GNSS) Receivers; 3.5.2 Cellular Mobile Radio Operators; 3.5.3 Wireless Hotspot Operators; 3.5.4 Groupware; 3.6 Intelligence; 3.6.1 The Invisible GIS; 3.6.2 Routing Information; 3.6.3 Accounting Units of Value; 3.6.4 Route Guidance; 3.6.5 Controlling Systems.
This groundbreaking resource offers a practical, in-depth understanding of Ubiquitous Positioning - positioning systems that identify the location and position of people, vehicles and objects in time and space in the digitized networked economy. The future and growth of ubiquitous positioning will be fueled by the convergence of many other areas of technology, from mobile telematics, Internet technology, and location systems, to sensing systems, geographic information systems, and the semantic web. This first-of-its-kind volume explores ubiquitous positioning from a convergence perspective, of.