Introduction : Love thyself as thy neighbor -- Energy -- 1. Human capacity -- 2. Spontaneity and compulsive action -- 3. Motivation and action -- 4. Resistance and cross motivation -- 5. Behavior and environment -- Habit formation -- 6. The power of dependence and maturity -- 7. Reward and punishment -- The absolute and the expedient -- 8. The origin of faulty posture -- Faulty posture and action -- 9. Body and mind -- A clearer picture -- 10. Action, inhibition, and fatigue -- 11. The aim of readjustment -- Improving action -- 12. Correct posture -- 13. The means at our disposal -- Volition and muscular tension -- 14. First general overhaul -- 15. About the technique -- 16. Physiology and social order -- On sexual apprenticeship -- Clarifying some notions -- The vicious circle -- 17. The abdomen, the pelvis, and the head -- Abdominal control -- 18. A little philosophy -- Cross motivation -- Premature ejaculation -- Is there a way out?
This title explains the theory behind the revolutionary Feldenkrais Method and offers a perspective on how we can achieve maximum happiness and productivity. The book explores the key factor of human resistance to self-transformation. Feldenkrais shows how the past can form the building blocks for a creative future, providing insights into compulsion, resistance, motivation, habit formation, maturity, mental and physical and the place of sex in developing full human potential.