Waxing and waning / Steven Heller, Marshall Arisman -- Conceiving and making. Is there a fine art to illustration? / Marshall Arisman -- Illustrate : give them what they never knew they wanted / Veronique Vienne -- The line of least resistance / Barbara Nessim -- True confessions of a storyteller / Marshall Arisman -- Express yourself : it's later than you think / Brad Holland -- Ebbing and flowing. The end of illustration / Stephen Heller -- What the hell happened to illustration? / Dugald Stermer -- It begins with "ill" and ends with "digital" : the riddle of illustration's declining fortunes / Matt Soar -- Mutant futures : is obsolescence really looming? / Darrel Rees -- The influence of computers and the internet on illustration / Bruce Wands -- What am I? / Teal Triggs -- The author/illustrator / Steve Brodner -- Towards a holistic profession : an interview with Milton Glaser / Marshall Arisman -- Illustration's connection to the fine arts : an interview with Thomas Woodruff / Marshall Arisman -- Valuing and devaluing. Art directing illustrators / James McMullan -- The joy of illustration / Steven Heller -- An illustrator's fable / Marshall Arisman -- Stock / Brad Holland -- Teaching and learning. A moving target / Thomas B. Allen -- An exercise in self-propulsion / Kevin McCloskey -- Teaching illustration / Dugald Stermer -- From navel gazing to navel drawing / James McMullan -- Training illustrators : the view from the trenches / John Parks -- The rookie / Joel Priddy -- It's about application / Patrick Fiore -- High expectations / John Ferry -- No art director ever asked to see my diploma / Daniel Pelavin -- Imparting and inspiring (a syllabi sampler). Basic illustration / Alex Murawsi -- Basic illustration / Jack Endewelt -- From illustration one to the senior project / Tom Garrett -- Editorial illustration / Frances Jetter -- Illustration ; Rendering and perspective for artists ; Issues in the arts ; Professional practices / Lisa French -- Illustration portfolio : course competencies / Mark J. Tocchet -- Illustration / Marc Burkhardt -- Junior illustration concepts / Whitney Sherman -- Illustration senior projects / Rudy Gutierrez -- Syllabus for illustration six : the thesis/portfolio / Dugald Stermer -- Illustrators workshop / Walter King -- Imagery for children / Alex Bostic -- The open picture book ; Buses, billboards, and CDs / Robert Kaufman -- M.A. typo/graphic studies unit one : learning to look and see / Teal Triggs -- Visual essay / David Hockstadter -- Illustrator as documentary artist / Lynn Pauley -- A history of visual communications / Steven Heller -- American culture and the applied arts / Terry Brown.
This volume discusses how professionals acquired their illustration know-how and went on to apply it in their careers. Also explored are model illustration education curricula created by leading illustration educators and practitioners. Offering a diverse range of attitudes, philosophies, and visions, this book addresses issues confronting education in the illustration arts, including such concerns as authorship, new media, and the marriage of illustration and design.