Literacy skill development for library science professionals /
S. Thanuskodi, editor.
Hershey, PA :
Information Science Reference,
1 online resource.
Includes bibliographical references.
Usage of social media among LIS students in India / S. Thanuskodi -- User information needs in the public libraries in India / R. Perumalsamy, P. Kannan -- Usage of electronic resources among ophthalmologists in India / A. Ashok Kumar -- Use of information resources among the civil service exam aspirants with special reference to Tamil Nadu, India / KS. Kalyani, S. Thanuskodi -- A study on information and communication technology skills of LIS professionals in management institutions of Tamil Nadu / PL. Solaipriya, M. Suresh -- An assessment on managerial skills among library professionals working in affiliated colleges of Bharathidasan University / X. Mercy Angeline, B. S. Swaroop Rani -- Use of e-resources by social scientists in Tamil Nadu, India / C. Muthurasu, P. Kannan -- Web resources on medical tourism: a webometric study / S. Naseehath -- A cito analytical study of doctoral theses in legal research / S. Thanuskodi -- Nuclear power generation research: a scientometric analysis / M.N. Venkatesh -- Use of electronic resource among management students of Alagappa University: a case study / A. Alagu -- Use of online electronic information resources among PG student of Alagappa University / M. Meenambigai -- Study on m-learning usage among LIS students with special reference to Alagappa University / M. Meenambigai -- Utilization of ICT based resources and services in engineering college libraries / G. Stephen -- User opinion on library collections and services: a case study of branch library in Karaikudi / M. Mercy Clarance, X. Mercy Angeline.
"This book explores how information literacy skills are used by the library and information science professionals on the job the ability to find, evaluate, use and share information is an essential skill. It also discusses how the attributes of an information literate professionals emphasize the use of information: critical thinking, reflection, analysis, interpretation, synthesis"--
Literacy skill development for library science professionals.
Electronic information resource literacy-- India.
Information literacy-- India.
Librarians-- Effect of technological innovations on-- India.
Libraries-- India-- Special collections-- Electronic information resources.
Libraries-- Information technology-- India.
Library education-- India.
Electronic information resource literacy.
Information literacy.
LANGUAGE ARTS & DISCIPLINES / Library & Information Science / General
Librarians-- Effect of technological innovations on.
Libraries-- Information technology.
Libraries-- Special collections-- Electronic information resources.