Cover; Half Title; Title Page; Copyright Page; Table of Contents; Preface; About the Authors; 1: Introduction to Operations Research; 1.1 The Origins and Applications of Operations Research; 1.2 System Modeling Principles; 1.3 Algorithm Efficiency and Problem Complexity; 1.4 Optimality and Practicality; 1.5 Software for Operations Research; 1.6 Illustrative Applications; 1.6.1 Analytical Innovation in the Food and Agribusiness Industries; 1.6.2 Humanitarian Relief in Natural Disasters; 1.6.3 Mining and Social Conflicts; 1.7 Summary; Key Terms; References and Suggested Readings.
2.11.1 Forest Pest Control Program2.11.2 Aircraft and Munitions Procurement; 2.11.3 Grape Processing: Materials Planning and Production; 2.12 Summary; Key Terms; Exercises; References and Suggested Readings; 3: Network Analysis; 3.1 Graphs and Networks: Preliminary Definitions; 3.2 Maximum Flow in Networks; 3.2.1 Maximum Flow Algorithm; 3.2.2 Extensions to the Maximum Flow Problem; 3.3 Minimum Cost Network Flow Problems; 3.3.1 Transportation Problem; Northwest Corner Rule; Minimum Cost Method; Minimum "Row" Cost Method; Transportation Simplex Method.
2.6.2 The Two Phase Method2.7 Information in the Tableau; 2.7.1 Multiple Optimal Solutions; 2.7.2 Unbounded Solution (No Optimal Solution); 2.7.3 Degenerate Solutions; 2.7.4 Analyzing the Optimal Tableau: Shadow Prices; 2.8 Duality and Sensitivity Analysis; 2.8.1 The Dual Problem; 2.8.2 Postoptimality and Sensitivity Analysis; 2.9 Revised Simplex and Computational Efficiency; 2.10 Software for Linear Programming; 2.10.1 Extensions to General Simplex Methods; 2.10.2 Interior Methods; 2.10.3 Software for Solving Linear Programming; 2.11 Illustrative Applications.
2: Linear Programming2.1 The Linear Programming Model; 2.2 The Art and Skill of Problem Formulation; 2.2.1 Integer and Nonlinear Models; 2.3 Graphical Solution of Linear Programming Problems; 2.3.1 General Definitions; 2.3.2 Graphical Solutions; 2.3.3 Multiple Optimal Solutions; 2.3.4 No Optimal Solution; 2.3.5 No Feasible Solution; 2.3.6 General Solution Method; 2.4 Preparation for the Simplex Method; 2.4.1 Standard Form of a Linear Programming Problem; 2.4.2 Solutions of Linear Systems; 2.5 The Simplex Method; 2.6 Initial Solutions for General Constraints; 2.6.1 Artificial Variables. Transportation Simplex3.3.2 Assignment Problem and Stable Matching; Stable Matching; 3.3.3 Capacitated Transshipment Problem; 3.4 Network Connectivity; 3.4.1 Minimum Spanning Trees; 3.4.2 Shortest Network Problem: A Variation on Minimum Spanning Trees; 3.5 Shortest Path Problems; 3.5.1 Shortest Path through an Acyclic Network; 3.5.2 Shortest Paths from Source to All Other Nodes; 3.5.3 Problems Solvable with Shortest Path Methods; 3.6 Dynamic Programming; 3.6.1 Labeling Method for Multi-Stage Decision Making; 3.6.2 Tabular Method; 3.6.3 General Recursive Method.
Operations Research : A Practical Introduction, Second Edition.