edited by George Yancy and Emily McRae ; foreword by Jan Willis ; afterword by Charles Johnson.
Lanham :
Lexington Books,
xxi, 357 pages ;
24 cm.
Philosophy of race
Includes bibliographical references and index.
"We interrupt your regularly scheduled programming to bring you this very important public service announcement...": aka Buddhism as usual in the academy / Sharon Suh -- Undoing whiteness in American Buddhist modernism: critical, collective, and contextual turns / Ann Gleig -- White delusion and avidya: a Buddhist approach to understanding and deconstructing white ignorance / Emily McRae -- Whiteness and the construction of Buddhist philosophy in Meiji Japan / Leah Kalmanson -- Racism and Anatta: black Buddhists, embodiment, and interpretations of non-self / Rima Vesely-Flad -- "The tranquil meditator" / Laurie Cassidy -- "Beyond Vietnam": Martin Luther King, Jr., Thích Nhat Hanh, and the confluence of black and engaged Buddhism in the Vietnam War / Carolyn M. Jones Medine -- The unbearable will to whiteness / Jasmine Syedullah -- Making consciousness an ethical project: moral phenomenology in Buddhist ethics and white anti-racism / Jessica Locke -- "bell hooks made me a Buddhist": liberatory cross-cultural learning-or is this just another case of how white people steal everything? / Carol J. Moeller -- Excoriating the demon of whiteness from within: disrupting whiteness through the tantric Buddhist practice of chöd and exploring whiteness from within the tradition / Lama Justin von Bujdoss -- The interdependence and emptiness of whiteness / Bryce Huebner -- Taking and making refuge in racial (whiteness) awareness and racial justice work / Rhonda Magee -- A Buddhist phenomenology of the white mind / Joy Brennan -- The white feminism in Rita Gross' critique of gender identities and reconstruction of Buddhism / Hsiao Lan Hu.
"In this unprecedented book, contributors use Buddhist philosophical and contemplative traditions, both ancient and modern, and deploy critical philosophy of race, and critical whiteness studies, to address the proverbial elephant in the room-whiteness"--