Introduction : all creatures high and low : seeing fallen animals in religion and the arts / Diane Apostolos-Cappadona and Zohar Hadromi-Allouche -- Opening note : the snake in the garden of Eden / Robert A. Segal -- "To see what he would name them ... ": naming and domination in a fallen world / Brian Brock -- From Ursus Diabolus to Ursus Ex Machina: the ambivalent legacy of biblical bears in Christian art and hagiography / Eric Ziolkowski -- Jonah and his fish: the monstrification of God's servant in early Jewish and Christian reception history / Lena-Sofia Tiemeyer -- "Who has the most faults?": animal sinners in a late Byzantine poem / Kirsty Stewart -- "The author laughed in a cat's voice" : Aesop and humanism in William Baldwin's beware the cat / Rachel Stenner -- Do monkeys know about their origin?: narratives of animals emerging during fall in an islamic context / Constantin Canavas -- Epilogue : we fall into the humanimal : a conversation between Kate Walters and Penny Florence / Kate Walters and Penny Florence.