V. 1. Medical-surgical nursing -- Health and illness in adults -- Nursing care of people having surgery -- Nursing care of people experiencing loss, grief and death -- Nursing care of people with problems of substance abuse -- Nursing care of people in the emergency department or experiencing disasters -- Genetic implications of adult health nursing -- Nursing care of people in pain -- Nursing care of people with altered fluid, electrolyte and acid/base balance -- Nursing care of people experiencing trauma and shock -- Nursing care of people with infections -- Nursing care of people with altered immunity -- Nursing care of people with cancer -- Assessing the integumentary system -- Nursing care of people with integumentary disorders -- Nursing care of people with burns -- A person-centred approach to assessing the endocrine system -- Nursing care of people with endocrine disorders -- Nursing care of people with diabetes mellitus
V. 2. A person-centred approach to assessing the gastrointestinal system -- Nursing care of people with nutritional disorders -- Nursing care of people with upper gastrointestinal disorders -- Nursing care of people with bowel disorders -- Nursing care of people with gallbladder, liver and pancreatic disorders -- A person-centred approach to assessing the renal system -- Nursing care of people with urinary tract disorders -- Nursing care of people with kidney disorders -- A person-centred approach to assessing the cardiovascular and lymphatic systems -- Nursing care of people with coronary heart disease -- Nursing care of people with cardiac disorders -- Nursing care of people with vascular and lymphatic disorders -- Nursing care of people with haematological disorders
V. 3. A person-centred approach to assessing the respiratory system -- Nursing care of people with upper respiratory disorders -- Nursing care of people with ventilation disorders -- Nursing care of people with gas exchange disorders -- A person-centred approach to assessing the musculoskeletal system -- Nursing care of people with musculoskeletal trauma -- Nursing care of people with musculoskeletal disorders -- A person-centred approach to assessing the nervous system -- Nursing care of people with intracranial disorders -- Nursing care of people with cerebrovascular and spinal cord disorders -- Nursing care of people with neurological disorders -- A person-centred approach to assessing the eye and ear -- Nursing care of people with eye and ear disorders -- A person-centred approach to assessing the male and female reproductive systems -- Nursing care of men with reproductive system and breast disorders -- Nursing care of women with reproductive system and breast disorders -- Nursing care of people who have sexually transmitted infections -- Mental healthcare in the Australian context -- Nursing care of people in regional, rural and remote areas of Australia.