Intro; Table of Contents; About the Author; About the Technical Reviewers; Acknowledgments; Introduction; Requirements and Source Code; Chapter 1: Revealing the Black Box; XML Language Premier; XML Schema Concepts Used by BizTalk Server; Attribute; Namespace; Element; BizTalk and XML Namespaces in Detail; The Declaration; Identification of an Incoming Message; BizTalk Server Schemas; BizTalk Server Schema Types; Delimited Flat Files; Positional Flat Files; XML Schemas; JSON Messages; Envelope Schemas; Property Schemas; The Message Engine; Host and Host Instances
Latency ThresholdsThrottling; What Is Throttling?; Throttling Performance Counters; Message Delivery Throttling State; Input Rate Exceeds Output Rate (1); High Number of Messages in the In-Process Queue (3); BizTalk Host Instance Reaches the Virtual Memory Threshold (4); System Memory Reaches the System Memory Threshold (5); The Host Instance Reaches the Number of Used Threads Threshold (9); Throttling Due to User Override on Delivery (10); Message Publishing Throttling State; Output Rate Exceeds Input Rate (2); BizTalk Host Instance Reaches the Virtual Memory Threshold (4)
Publications: The BizTalk Server MessageWhat Is a BizTalk Server Message?; The Message Context; System-Related Properties; Distinguished Properties; User-Related Properties; Adapter-Related Properties; The Message Type Property; Message Properties; Distinguished Properties (fields); Message Properties Design Considerations; Message Properties Performance Recommendations; Subscriptions; Activation Subscriptions; Send Ports with Filters; Orchestration Receive Shapes with Activate Property Set to True; Instance Subscriptions; Request-Response Scenario; Solicit-Response Scenario
Subscription PrioritySearching for Subscription Information; Publishers; Subscribers; The Dequeue Process; Adapters; The MessageBox Database; Host Tables; Queue Tables; System Tables; Spool Table; Knowing the Number of Messages in the Spool Table; Spool Table as a Performance Indicator; Summary; Chapter 2: Performance Analysis; Performance Analysis Techniques; Increasing Trends Over Long Periods; Crossing a Threshold; Inverse Relationships; Performance Counters Analysis Guidelines; Processor; Percentage of Processor Privileged Time; Percentage of User Time; Percentage of Processor Time
System Processor Queue LengthMemory; Memory\% Committed Bytes in Use; Memory\Available MBytes; Disks; LogicalDisk\% Free Space; Disk Idle Time Percentage; Avg. Disk Sec/Read and Avg. Disk Sec/Write; Avg. Disk Queue Length; Network; Network Interface(*)\Bytes Total/Sec; Network Interface\Output Queue Length; Latency; Latency Factors; Load; Bad Disk Performance or Overused Disks; Throttling; Complex Maps; Complex Orchestrations and Custom Code.; Size of the Message; Latency Performance Counters; Request-Response Latency; Inbound Latency; Outbound Latency; Outbound Adapter Latency
Gain an in depth view of optimizing the performance of BizTalk Server. This book provides best practices and techniques for improving development of high mission critical solutions. You'll see how the BizTalk Server engine works and how to proactively detect and remedy potential bottlenecks before they occur. The book starts with an overview of the BizTalk Server internal mechanisms that will help you understand the optimizations detailed throughout the book and you'll then see how they can be applied to a BizTalk Server environment to improve low latency and high throughput scenarios. A section on testing BizTalk server solutions will guide you through the most frequently adopted techniques used to develop solutions such as performance and unit testing as part of the development cycle. With BizTalk Server 2016 you'll see how to apply side-by-side versioning to your solutions to reduce the chances of downtime, You'll also review instrumentation techniques using Event Traces for windows and business activity monitoring (BAM). While the book is focused on the latest version of BizTalk Server, most of the topics discussed will also work with BizTalk Server 2013R2.
Springer Nature
BizTalk Server 2016 : Performance Tuning and Optimization.