getting started and building projects with the ASUS single-board computer /
Liz Clark.
[New York, NY] :
1 online resource
Technology in action
Place of publication from publisher website.
Intro; Table of Contents; About the Author; Introduction; Part I: Getting Started; Chapter 1: What is the ASUS Tinker Board?; A Little Context; What Is a Single-Board Computer?; System on a Chip; The Tinker Board's Hardware; GPIO; Tinker Board S; eMMC; I2S; Power-on Header; Original Tinker Board or Tinker Board S?; Conclusion; Chapter 2: Ready to Begin: What Do You Need to Use a Tinker Board?; What Do You Need?; Cooling; Other Cooling Methods; Power; Advanced Power Option; Wiring; Peripherals; Keyboard and Mouse Choice; Monitor and Speakers; Storage; eMMC; Optional: Cases; Types of Cases
Coding with Hardware-Controlled PWMCoding with Software-Controlled PWM; The Lack of a Real Time Clock; Wrapping Things Up; Chapter 6: Android on the Tinker Board; Installation; Navigation; The Home Screen; More Apps; Connecting to Wi-Fi; More Settings; Battery?; HDMI and Audio Source; Turning on Developer Options; More to Explore; Apps In-Depth; Camera; Camera App Functionality; Music and Video; The Music App; The Video App; Installing VLC; Using VLC; ApkInstaller; Legal Considerations; How It Works; Install; Manage; Exit; Power; Where Is the App Store?; Installing F-Droid; Exploring F-Droid
ConclusionChapter 3: Installing an Operating System; Prepping the SD Card; Installing SD Card Formatter; Downloading a Disk Image; Writing an OS to Your Drive; The First Boot; Booting from USB for TinkerOS; Prepping Your USB Device; The Terminal; Conclusion; Part II: Official Operating Systems and GPIO; Chapter 4: Getting to Know TinkerOS; First Boot; What Is TinkerOS?; Getting Your Bearings; Other Panels; Customizing Panels; Changing the Default Password; Changing the Default Username; Wi-Fi; Updating TinkerOS; Video Playback; YouTube; Mesa Driver Installation; VLC Media Player; Audio
LibreOfficeA Quick Tour; Fun and Games; Hello World, Let's Get Back to Work; Installing an IDE for C; Python Test; Conclusion; Chapter 5: Programming with the GPIO Pins; Gathering Supplies; LEDs; Resistors; Photoresistor; Buttons and Switches; Capacitors; Connecting Your Circuits to the Tinker Board; Circuit Diagrams; Installing Programming Libraries in TinkerOS; Installing the Python Library; Blink!; Build the Circuit; Writing Python Code; Running Your Code; Add a Button; Switch It Up; Reading Data; Installing the C Library; Blink in C; Button in C; Pulse Width Modulation
Using Open Camera for Time-LapsesConclusion; Part III: Tinker Board Projects; Chapter 7: Project 1: Build a Game Emulation System; What Is Emulation?; ROMs; Lakka; Downloading and Installing Lakka; First Boot; Navigating Lakka: the Main Menu; Settings; Favorites, History, Netplay, and Import Content; Importing ROMs into Lakka; Loading ROMs over the Network; Loading ROMs over USB; Playing Games; Connecting via SSH; Wrapping Things Up; Chapter 8: Project 2: Use the Tinker Board as a Media Center with Kodi; LibreELEC; What Is Kodi?; Legal Considerations for Kodi
Get started with the ASUS Tinker Board and begin building and expanding your own projects. This book covers the basic operating systems offered by ASUS for the Tinker Board, TinkerOS and Android, and then dives deeper into its capabilities for projects; such as a music streamer or a weather station with internet connectivity. Beginners will find the resources necessary to follow along and more seasoned makers can review additional information to engage with this new single-board computer platform. The projects are broad enough to show off the capability of the Tinker Board's hardware and they can be used as is or you can add to them based on your skill level.
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Practical Tinker Board : Getting Started and Building Projects with the ASUS Single-Board Computer.