Intro; Table of Contents; About the Author; About the Technical Reviewer; Chapter 1: Introduction; Theory; What Can WeUse Elm For?; Games; Single-Page Applications (SPAs); Graphics; Embedded; What Can't WeDo withElm?; Who Is This Book For?; Required Software; Structure ofThis Book; Chapter 2: Getting Started; Installation; Global Installation; Local Installation; Running aDocker Container; Editors andIDEs; Atom; Emacs; IntelliJ; LightTable; Sublime; Vim; Visual Studio Code; Obligatory Hello World; Deployment; Option 1: All-in-One; Option 2: Custom Web Page; Option 3: Integration
Chapter 7: Where toGofromHereWhen Is aProgramming Language andPlatform Successful?; Language Progression; Community; Commercial Usage; The Future; Conclusion; Index
Modelinit; update; view; subscriptions; Conclusion; Code Organization; Rendering; Graphics; Styling; Inline Styles; External CSS; CSS Framework; User Input; JavaScript Interfacing; Server Communication; HTTP; GET; POST; WebSockets; What WeLearned; Chapter 6: Putting It All Together; Building aSingle-Page Application; Pizza Cut-The Application; Design; Alternative Specification andDesign; Implementation; Setup; Model; Navigation; Main View; Forms; Interfacing withJavaScript Components; Testing; Beyond Elm Web Applications; Desktop Applications; CLI; Node; REPL; What WeLearned
TypesElm asaType-safe Language; Types; Primitives; Comparable Types; Appendable Types; Structured Data; Lists; Tuples; Records; Type Definitions; Union Types; Type Aliases; Maybe; Constants; Type Annotations; Unit Type; Elm asaModular Language; Modules; Imports; What WeLearned; Chapter 4: Tooling andLibraries; REPL; Development Process; Scaffolding; Building; Switch Elm Versions; Debugging; Standard Libraries; Data Types andStructures; String; List; Array; Dict; Set; Revisiting Maybe; JSON; What WeLearned; Chapter 5: Elm Architecture and Building Blocks; Elm Architecture Overview
What WeHave LearnedChapter 3: Elm Primer; Elm Platform; Elm Style Guide; Elm Language; Basic Language Features; Operators; Arithmetic Operators; Bitwise Operators; Logical Operators; Comparison Operators; Functional Operators; Special Operators; Control Structures; If; Case; Let-In; Prefix andInfix Operators; Elm asaFunctional Language; Functions; Named Functions; Anonymous Functions; Function Composition; Polymorphic Functions; Higher Order Functions; Curried andPartial Functions; Immutable Data; State; Recursion; Pattern Matching andDeconstructing; Values; Tuples; Lists; Records
Learn the basics of the Elm platform for web applications. This book covers the language as of version 0.18 and the most important libraries. After reading this book you will have an understanding what Elm can do for you. Also, you will be able to build on the example in the book to develop advanced web applications with Elm. What You'll Learn: Work with Elm and its development environment Learn the language and libraries in examples Use the Elm architecture to create applications with the Elm platform Put it all together with a sample application and explanation that covers the implementation details Who This Book Is For: Web developers new to Elm, with some experience in JavaScript recommended. This book is also for others curious about Elm and its potential beyond web development.
Springer Nature
Web applications with Elm.
Elm (Computer program language), Handbooks, manuals, etc.