Obesity: The Scope of a Growing Problem ; Harold C. Seim Etiologies of Obesity ; Larry A. Richardson Health Hazards of Obesity ; G. Michael Steelman Evaluation of the Obese Patient ; G. Michael Steelman and James T. Cooper Dietary Treatment of the Obese Individual; Eric C. Westman, Mary C. Vernon, and James A. Wortman The Role of Physical Activity in the Treatment of the Obese Individual ; Deborah Bade Horn Behavioral Modification ; Erin Chamberlin Pharmacotherapy ; Ed J. Hendricks Maintenance of Weight Loss ; Scott Rigden Surgical Treatment of the Obese Individual ; John B. Cleek and Eric C. Westman Medical Treatment of Pediatric Obesity ; Eric C. Westman Binge Eating Disorder (BED): Etiology, Assessment, Diagnosis and Treatment ; Ralph Carson; Current Research and Future Hope ; Frank L. Greenway and Steven R. Smith; Appendix A: Notes on Nutrition for Obesity Medicine ; Jeffrey D. Lawrence; Appendix B: Behavioral Modification Attachments ; Erin Chamberlin Appendix C: ASBP Algorithm.
Obesity is considered a complex and multifactorial disease. Its treatment, therefore, must also be multimodal and tailored to meet the needs of each patient. Obesity: Evaluation and Treatment Essentials presents a wide spectrum of practical treatment protocols for obesity including exercise, pharmacology, behavior modification, and dietary factors, from the point of view of the practicing physician.