"First published in Great Britain in 2001 by Hodder Education. An Hachette UK company."--Title page verso.
"First published in the US in 2001 by the McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc."--Title page verso.
"Previously published as Teach Yourself Mathematics and Complete Mathematics: Teach Yourself."--Title verso.
Includes index.
Number -- Angles -- Fractions -- Two-dimensional shapes -- Decimals -- Statistics 1 -- Directed numbers -- Graphs 1 -- Measurement -- Perimeter and area -- Algebraic expressions -- Approximation -- Equations 1 -- Percentages -- Formulae -- Circles -- Probability -- Three-dimensional shapes -- Ratio and proportion -- Pythagoras' theorem and trigonometry -- Indices and standard form -- Statistics 2 -- Graphs 2 -- Equations 2 -- Answers -- Taking it further -- Index.
Math does not need to be difficult. This book, complete with exercises and answers, forms a course which will take you from beginner or intermediate level to being a confident mathematician. This book includes: simple step-by-step explanations, to help you grasp new topics or those that have previously confused you; practice questions throughout, to help you embed your learning and improve your confidence; and end of chapter summaries, to help you remember the key points you've learned--all in one great-value book, so you don't need any separate workbooks or course books.