Preface: It's not just us. This is happening everywhere: on CVs and the Michigan women -- Introduction: Minding the gap: diversity in the humanities / Patricia A. Matthew -- Responding to the call(ing): the spirituality of mentorship and community in academia: an interview with Houston Baker Jr. / Ayanna Jackson-Fowler -- Building a canon, creating dialogue: an interview with Cheryl Wall / Rashida Harrison -- Difference without grievance: Asian Americans as the almost minority / Leslie Bow -- In search of our fathers' workshops / Lisa Sánchez González -- Tenure in the contact zone: Spanish is our language too / Angie Chambram -- "Colored" is the new queer: queer faculty of color in the academy / Andreana Clay -- Performative testimony and the practice of dismissal / Jane Chin Davidson and Deepa S. Reddy -- Talking tenure: "Don't be safe. Because there is no safety there anyway" / Sarita Echavez See -- Still eating in the kitchen: the marginalization of African American faculty in majority-white academic governance / Carmen V. Harris -- Contingent diversity, contingent faculty: or, musings of a lowly adjunct / Wilson Santos, with editor's notes -- Balancing the passion for activism with the demands of tenure: one professional's story from three perspectives / April L. Few-Demo, Fred P. Piercy, and Andrew J. Stremmel -- Cast your net wide: reflections on activism and community engagement when black lives matter: interviews with Ariana E. Alexander, E. Frances White, and Jennifer Williams / Patricia Matthew -- Conclusion: Tweeting diversity: race and tenure in the age of social media / Patricia A. Matthew.
"Every scholar of color has a story about reappointment, tenure, or promotion that involves an issue of race. The academy may have a reputation for seeking diversity in its professoriate, but reports from faculty of color around the country make clear that departments and administrators engage in practices that range from unintentional to malignant discrimination. Stories abound of scholars--despite impressive records of publication, superlative teaching evaluations, and exemplary service to their universities--struggling on the tenure track. These stories, however, are rarely shared for public consumption. Written/unwritten reveals that faculty often face two sets of rules when applying for reappointment, tenure, and promotion: those made explicit in handbooks and faculty orientations or determined by union contracts and those that operate beneath the surface"--
College teachers-- Tenure-- United States.
Discrimination in higher education-- United States.