How the book works -- Möbius magic -- Disappearing glass -- The floating balloon -- Houdini's water escape -- Something fishy -- Magnetic fingers -- Bend the fan blades -- Jumping beverage can -- Money grabber -- Reading minds -- Cosmic auroras -- Invisible light beams -- The power of a magic crystal -- Color-changing potion -- Disappearing dots -- Ghostly visions -- Rocky mystery -- Hovering tinsel -- Pepper-repelling finger -- Misdirection -- Spooky beverage can -- Inexhaustible bottle -- Switching color -- Hidden pictures -- Curious curves -- No-leak bag -- Water dowsing -- Guess the coin -- Chopstick challenge -- Magic ice tower -- Floating ping-pong ball -- The chain fountain -- Puzzling boulders -- Balancing act -- Send a secret -- Disappearing Statue of Liberty -- Glow in the dark -- Flexible water -- Rubber ball cauldron -- Mathematical coin magic -- The floating paper clip -- Bed of nails.
Provides step-by-step instructions for experiments that reveal the scientific secrets behind illusions and magic tricks.