Front Cover; Contents; Acknowledgments; Abbreviations; Overview; From Transport to Wider Economic Benefits; Achieving Wider Economic Benefits: FIT-2-Deeds; Main Takeaways for Practitioners; References; PART I GOING BEYOND JUST INFRASTRUCTURE; Chapter 1 Insights into Regional Integration from Three Historical Transport Corridors in South Asia; Mughal India, circa 1700: A Corridor Linking South and Central Asia; Bengal and the East India Company, 1745−1813: The Triangular Trade between Britain, India, and China
Appraising the Pacific Belt Zone Initiative: The Engine for Japan's Industrialization Understanding the Wider Economic Benefits of Europe's High-Speed Train Projects; Thailand, the Detroit of the East?; Notes; References; Spotlight 6 Appraising Proposed Transport Corridors Using Spatial Econometrics; Spotlight 7 Agriculture Finance and Technical Assistance to Enhance the Wider Economic Benefits of Transport Connectivity for Rural Areas; Chapter 6 An Illustrative Appraisal of Complementary Interventions to Enhance the Wider Economic Benefits of Transport Corridors.
Chapter 3 Can Transport Corridor Projects Produce Wider Economic Benefits? Evidence from International Development OrganizationsConceptual Framework; Sample Selection and Summary Statistics; Maximizing the Wider Economic Benefits of Transport Corridors; Conclusion; Notes; References; Spotlight 1 Financing Priority Transport Corridors in South Asia; Spotlight 2 Private Investment in Corridor Infrastructure; Spotlight 3 The Role of Public-Private Partnerships in Developing South Asia's Corridors.
Chapter 4 Learning from the Literature about the Estimated Wider Economic Benefits of Transport CorridorsFramework for structuring the Literature Review; Methodology; Descriptive Statistics; Meta-Regression Analysis; Main Insights and Directions for Future Research; Notes; References; Spotlight 4 The Impact of Highways on Micro, Small, and Medium Enterprises: Anecdotal Evidence from Bhutan, Sri Lanka, and India; Spotlight 5 Do Highways Help Women?; PART III APPRAISING CORRIDOR PROJECTS; Chapter 5 Appraising Transport Corridors in Japan, Europe, and Thailand.
Railroads of the British Raj, 1853−1929: Changing the Technology of Trading on the SubcontinentThe Three Historical Cases Share Commonalities with One Another and with Modern Transport Corridors; Notes; References; Chapter 2 Insights into Regional Integration from Two Contemporary Transport Corridors in East Asia; Vietnam's National Highway No. 5, Industrial Anchors, and Local Spillovers; Malaysia's Experience with Integrating Rural Areas and Industrialized Trade Hubs; Notes; References; PART II FRAMEWORK AND ANALYTICS
This publication develops a holistic appraisal methodology to ensure that economic benefits of investments in transport corridors are amplified and more widely spread, and possible negative impacts such as congestion, environmental degradation, and other unintended consequences are minimized. It focuses on South Asia-- not only as one of the world's most populous and poorest regions-- but as a hinge between East Asia, Central Asia, the Middle East, and Europe. The book is aimed at politicians, technocrats, civil society organizations, and businesses. It presents case studies of past and recent corridor initiatives, provides rigorous analysis of the literature on the spatial impact of corridors, and offers assessments of corridor investment projects supported by international development organizations. A series of spotlights examines such issues as private sector co-investment; the impacts of corridors on small enterprises and women; and issues with implementing cross-border corridors.
Web of transport corridors in South Asia.
Wider economic benefits of transport corridors in South Asia
Transportation corridors-- South Asia.
BUSINESS & ECONOMICS-- Industries-- Transportation.
Transportation corridors.
TRANSPORTATION-- Public Transportation.
South Asia.
BUS-- 070100
TRA-- 009000
Great Britain., Department for International Development.