Cover image; Title page; Table of Contents; Contributors; Forthcoming Issues; Multidisciplinary Breast Management; Multidisciplinary Breast Management; Benign Breast Disease; Key points; Introduction; Breast infections in lactating women; Breast infections in nonlactating individuals; Inflammatory conditions of the breast; Nonproliferative disorders of the breast; Proliferative disorders of the breast; Breast pain/mastalgia; Summary; Screening, Imaging, and Image-Guided Biopsy Techniques for Breast Cancer; Key points; Introduction; Mammography; Ultrasound imaging.
Basic genetics of inherited predispositionSingle-nucleotide polymorphism panels; The mutations; Variants of uncertain clinical significance; Founder mutations; Genetic tests; The noninformative negative gene test; Professional genetic counselors; Identifying mutation carriers; Managing risk for primary breast cancer in those who test positive; Modifiers of risk; Developing an individualized risk management strategy; Enhanced surveillance; Chemoprevention; Prophylactic bilateral salpingo-oophorectomy; Bilateral prophylactic mastectomy; Managing cancer risk in men.
Invasive metaplastic carcinomaInvasive apocrine carcinoma; Invasive neuroendocrine carcinoma; Invasive papillary carcinoma; Encapsulated (intracystic) papillary carcinoma; Invasive secretory carcinoma; Invasive adenoid cystic carcinoma; Inflammatory carcinoma; Male breast cancer; Prognostic and predictive factors of breast cancer; Histologic type; Histologic grade; Lymphovascular invasion; Tumor size; Axillary lymph node status; Estrogen receptor and progesterone receptor status; HER2 protein expression and gene amplification; Other pathologic factors; Molecular prognostic tests.
Magnetic resonance imaging of the breastImaging-guided breast interventional procedures; New technologies in breast cancer imaging; Screening mammography controversies; Summary; Surgical Management of High-Risk Breast Lesions; Key points; Introduction; High-risk lesions: histologic entities; Rationale for surgical excision of high-risk lesions; Radiologic-pathologic concordance; Atypical hyperplasia (ADH and ALH); FEA; Papillary lesions; Radial scar; LCIS; Summary; Genetic Predisposition Syndromes and Their Management; Key points; Introduction; The genes.
Managing breast cancer in mutation carriersBreast cancer outcome; Breast-conserving surgery versus mastectomy; BSO; Chemotherapy decisions; Targeted therapy; The future of genetic testing; Pathology of Invasive Breast Disease; Key points; Introduction; Microinvasive carcinoma; Invasive ductal carcinoma of no specific type or not otherwise specified; Invasive lobular carcinoma; Invasive carcinoma with ductal and lobular features; Invasive tubular carcinoma; Invasive cribriform carcinoma; Invasive mucinous carcinoma; Invasive medullary carcinoma; Invasive micropapillary carcinoma.
A comprehensive and important issue devoted to multidisciplinary breast management! Topics will include neoadjuvant chemotherapy, pathology of invasive breast disease, management of high risk lesions, genetic predisposition syndromes, radiation therapy, surgical management of the breast-mastectomy and breast conservation, management of the axilla, management of ductal carcinoma in situ, breast reconstruction, adjuvant therapy, screening, imaging, and image guided biopsy techniques for breast cancer, benign breast disease, and much more!
Ingram Content Group
Surgeon's Role in Multidisciplinary Breast Management, An Issue of Surgical Clinics.