Intro; Preface; Subject; Structure; Focuses and Takeaway; Acknowledgements; Contents; 1 Introduction: The Nature and Structure of the Inventory Problem; 1.1 Definition of Inventories; 1.2 Reasons for Inventory Holding; 1.3 Inventories in the Economy: A Holistic View; 1.3.1 The Item-Level Inventory Problem; 1.3.2 Inventories at the Firm Level: Inventory Management; 1.3.3 National Inventories; 1.4 Focuses of Macroeconomic Inventory Analysis: Level, Structure and Fluctuation; 1.4.1 Inventory Level; 1.4.2 Inventory Structure; 1.4.3 Inventory Fluctuations; 1.5 Macroeconomic Inventory Trends.
2.5 Inventory Analysis at the Macrolevel2.5.1 Inventory Cycles, Inventories and Business Cycles; 2.5.2 Macromodels and Inventories; 2.5.3 Connection of Inventories and Other Macrovariables; Inventories and Macrofinances; Inventories, Foreign Trade, Infrastructure: Evidence from Various Countries; 2.5.4 Inventory Trends and Global Processes; Long-Term Decreasing Inventory Investment Trend?; Inventories as a Cause for the Great Moderation; Inventories and the Global Crisis of 2008-2011; Summary; 2.5.5 Macroinventories in Individual Countries. Inventories in the US Economy2.5.5.2 Macroinventories in Other Countries; 2.5.6 Inventory Behaviour in International Comparison; Comparisons of Inventories in Developed Countries; Direct Antecedents to Our Research; 2.6 Inventories in the Socialist or Planned Economy and in Transition from the Planned to Market Economy; 2.7 Measurement, Data Problems and Methodology; References; 3 Methodology; 3.1 Country and Data Selection; 3.1.1 Choosing the Data Source; 3.1.2 Specifying the Proper Time Horizon and the Set of Countries; 3.1.3 Sub-samples (Country-Wise and Temporal).
3.1.4 Variables in the Analysis3.1.5 Missing Data; 3.2 Statistical Methodology; Appendix; References; 4 Analysis of Inventory Behaviour of OECD Countries; 4.1 Introduction; 4.2 Aggregate Inventory Behaviour (1970-2013); 4.2.1 Aggregate Behaviour of Mean of dI/GDP of 20 TMEs; 4.2.2 Aggregate Behaviour of Standard Deviation of dI/GDP of 20 TMEs; 4.2.3 Aggregate Inventory Behaviour of 20 + 6 + 6 Economies for 1994-2013; 4.2.4 Country dI/GDP Characteristics; 20 TMEs (1970-2013); 6 TMEs (1994-2013); 6 PSEs (1994-2013); Conclusion.
This book introduces a new approach in the field of macroeconomic inventory studies: the use of multivariate statistics to evaluate long-term characteristics of inventory investments in developed countries. By analyzing a 44-year period series of annual inventory change in percentage of GDP in a set of OECD countries, disclosing their relationship to growth, industry structure and alternative uses of GDP (fixed capital investments, foreign trade and consumption), it fills a gap in the economic literature. It is generally accepted that inventories play an important role in all levels of the economy. However, while there is extensive literature on micro- (and even item- ) level inventory problems, macroeconomic inventory studies are scarce. Both the long-term processes of inventory formation and their correlation with other macroeconomic factors provide interesting conclusions about economic changes and policies in our immediate past, and present important insights for the future.
Springer Nature
BUSINESS & ECONOMICS-- Economics-- Macroeconomics.