Earth's deep mantle: structure, composition, and evolution: an introduction / Robert D. van der Hilst [and others] -- Noble gas models of mantle structure and reservoir mass transfer / Darrell Harrison and Chris J. Ballentine -- The survival of mantle geochemical heterogeneities / Francis Albarède -- Towards a quantitative interpretation of global seismic tomography / Jeannot Trampert and Robert D. van der Hilst -- Seismic modeling constraints on the South African super plume / Don V. Helmberger and Sidao Ni -- Numerical and laboratory studies of mantle convection: philosophy, accomplishments, and thermochemical structure and evolution / Paul J. Tackley [and others] -- Heterogeneous lowermost mantle: compositional constraints and seismological observables / H. Samuel, C.G. Farnetani, and D. Andrault -- Numerical study of the origin and stability of chemically distinct reservoirs deep in earth's mantle / P. van Thienen [and others] -- Self-gravity, self-consistency, and self-organization in geodynamics and geochemistry / Don L. Anderson -- The role of theoretical mineral physics in modeling the earth's interior / Mark S.T. Bukowinski and Sofia Akber-Knutson -- The uncertain major element bulk composition of earth's mantle / Q. Williams and E. Knittle -- Highly siderophile elements: constraints on earth accretion and early differentiation / Kevin Righter.
Mantle oxidation state and oxygen fugacity: constraints on mantle chemistry, structure, and dynamics / Catherine A. McCammon -- Thermochemical state of the lower mantle: new insights from mineral physics / James Badro, Guillaume Fiquet, and François Guyot -- Stability of MgSiO3 perovskite in the lower mantle / Sang-Heon Shim -- Synthetic tomographic images of slabs from mineral physics / Y. Ricard, E. Mattern, and J. Matas -- Compositional dependence of the elastic wave velocities of mantle minerals: implications for seismic properties of mantle rocks / Sergio Speziale, Fuming Jiang, and Thomas S. Duffy -- Recent progress in experimental mineral physics: phase relations of hydrous systems and the role of water in slab dynamics / Eiji Ohtani.