1. Descartes' Mediations and associated texts -- Montaigne, Apology for Raymond Sebond, "The senses are inadequate" -- Bacon, New organon I, Aphorisms 1-3, 11-31, and 36-46 -- Galileo, The assayer, "Corpuscularianism" -- Descartes, Discourse on method 1, 2, and 5 -- Descartes, Meditations on first philosophy -- Descartes, Hobbes, and Arnauld, Objections and replies II, III, and IV -- Spinoza, Descartes' Pinciples of philosophy, "Prolegomenon" and "Definitions" -- Leibniz, On Descartes (from the letters to Foucher, to Elisabeth, and to Molanus) -- Pascal, Pensées, "The wager" -- 2. Spinoza's Ethics and associated texts -- Hobbes, Leviathan, introduction, 1-5, 34, and 46 -- Spinoza, From the letters to Oldenburg and to Meyer (Letters 2, 12, and 32) -- Spinoza, The ethics, Parts I, II, and V -- 3. Leibniz's Monadology and associated texts -- Malebranche, The search after truth, III.2.1-4, 6, 7, VI.2.3, Elucid. 15 -- Leibniz, Discourse on metaphysics -- Leibniz, From the letters to Arnauld -- Leibniz, Primary truths -- Leibniz, A new system of nature -- Leibniz, Monadology -- Newton, Principia, "Scholium to definitions" and "general scholium," and Optics, "Query 31" -- Leibniz, From the letters to Clarke (letters 1-4)
4. Locke's Essay and associated texts -- Boyle, Of the excellency and grounds of the corpuscular or mechanical philosophy -- Locke, Essay concerning human understanding I.1-2, II.1-14, 21-3, 27, III.3, 6, and IV.1-4, 10-1, 15-6 -- Leibniz, New essays, preface -- 5. Berkeley's Three dialogues and associated texts -- Berkeley, Principles of human knowledge, preface, introduction, Part I sec. 1-33 -- Berkeley, Three dialogues between Hylas and Philonous -- Berkeley, On motion, 1-6, 26-8, 35-41, 52-3, 66-7, and 71-2 -- 6. Hume's Enquiry and associated texts -- Bayle, Dictionary, "Pyrrho," note B -- Hume, Treatise on human nature, introduction, I.4.5-6 -- Hume, An enquiry concerning human understanding -- Hume, Dialogues concerning natural religion, Parts 1-5 and 9-12 -- Reid, Inquiry into the human mind, Conclusion; and Essays on the intellectual powers of man, "Of judgment," chapter 2: "Of common sense" -- 7. Kant's Prolegomena and Critique of pure reason -- Kant, Prolegomena to any future metaphysics -- Kant, Critique of pure reason, abridged.
An anthology of writings of the modern period. It provides the key works of seven major philosophers, along with a selection of associated texts by other leading thinkers of the period, chosen to deepen the reader's understanding of modern philosophy and its relationship to the natural sciences.