Signals and biomedical signal processing -- Fourier transform -- Image filtering, enhancement, and restoration -- Edge detection and segmentation of images -- Wavelet transform -- Other signal and image processing methods -- Clustering and classification -- Electrical activities of cell -- Electrocardiogram -- Electroencephalogram -- Electromyogram -- Other biomedical signals -- Principles of computed tomography -- X-ray imaging and computed tomography -- Magnetic resonance imaging -- Ultrasound imaging -- Positron emission tomography -- Other biomedical imaging techniques.
This book offers self-contained coverage of the mathematics and biology/physiology necessary to build effective algorithms and programs for biomedical signal and image processing applications. The first part of the book details the main signal and image processing, pattern recognition, and feature extraction techniques along with computational methods from other fields such as information theory and stochastic processes. Building on this foundation, the second part explores the major one-dimensional biological signals, the biological origin and importance of each signal, and the commonly used processing techniques with an emphasis on physiology and diagnostic applications, while the third section does the same for imaging modalities. Throughout the book, the authors rely on practical examples using real data from biomedical systems. They supply several programming examples in MATLAB® to provide hands-on experience and insight.