Cover; Title Page; Copyright; Contents; List of Maps; List of Tables; Abbreviations; Preface: The Perspective of This Introduction; Using the "Exegetical Skill" Sections; 1 THE NEW TESTAMENT AS PASTORAL RESPONSE; Issues in the First-Century Church; Formation of a "New" Testament; 2 THE ENVIRONMENT OF EARLY CHRISTIANITY: ESSENTIAL LANDMARKS; Prologue: Important Developments in the Intertestamental Period; The Septuagint; The Old Testament Apocrypha; Key Players and Plots in the World of the Gospels and Their Readers; Torah, Temple, and Tradition: The Common Focal Points of Jews; The Shema.
4 THE FOUR GOSPELS AND THE ONE JESUS: CRITICAL ISSUES IN THE STUDY OF THE GOSPELSWhat Is a Gospel?; From the Historical Jesus to the Canonical Gospels; The Building Blocks Behind the Gospels: Oral Tradition; The Composition and Relationship of the Gospels; The Contents of Q; The Fourfold Gospel Collection; From the Evangelists to Us: Handing Down the Gospel Texts; Searching for the Jesus of History; Criteria of Authenticity: A Summary; Just the Facts; 5 THE GOSPEL ACCORDING TO MARK: FOLLOWING IN THE WAY OF THE CROSS; The Historical and Pastoral Context of Mark's Gospel.
Matthew as the Manifesto of a Jewish Messianic SectExegetical Skill: Redaction Criticism; Matthew's Formation of the Church's Ethos and Discipline; Exegetical Skill: The Use of Comparative Material in New Testament Exegesis; Cultural Awareness: Honor Discourse in Matthew; Matthew and Ministry Formation; 7 THE GOSPEL ACCORDING TO LUKE: FOLLOWING THE HEART OF THE FATHER; The Historical and Pastoral Context of Luke's Gospel; Exegetical Skill: Textual Criticism; An Outline of Luke's Gospel; Luke's Use of Other Early Christian Resources; Luke's Message; Luke's Special Material (L).
The "Eighteen" BenedictionsThe Diversity Within Judaism; The Dead Sea Scrolls; Gnosticism, the Nag Hammadi Library, and the Hermetica; Greco-Roman Religion; Greco-Roman Philosophical Schools; Jews in the Greco-Roman World; Christians in the Greco-Roman World; 3 THE CULTURAL AND SOCIAL WORLD OF THE EARLY CHURCH: PURITY, HONOR, PATRONAGE, AND KINSHIP; Purity and Pollution; Purity and Pollution in the Oedipus Plays of Sophocles; Honor and Shame; Patronage and Reciprocity; The Shape and Significance of Family in the Ancient World.
Who Was the Evangelist's Audience?An Outline of Mark's Gospel; Mark's Message; John the Baptist; Exegetical Skill: Examining Literary Context; Cultural Awareness: Jewish Purity Codes and Mark's Gospel; Mark and Ministry Formation; 6 THE GOSPEL ACCORDING TO MATTHEW: FOLLOWING THE WORDS OF THE MESSIAH; The Historical and Pastoral Context of Matthew's Gospel; An Outline of Matthew's Gospel; Matthew's Use of Other Early Christian Resources; The Message of Matthew; Matthew's Special Material (M); The Continuity of the Ekklesia and the Heritage of God's People.
This comprehensive New Testament introduction not only outlines historical, social, cultural, and rhetorical contexts, but it also points students preparing for ministry to relevant facets of biblical interpretation. Brimming with maps, photos, points of interest, and aids to learning, this beautiful, full-color second edition of an established textbook is the first choice for those who want to integrate scholarship and ministry.