[by] Bernard I. Murstein. Foreword by William M. Kephart.
New York,
Springer Pub. Co.
xii, 639 pages
24 cm
Includes bibliographical references (pages 569-611).
The evolution and classification of marriage / Hebrew marriage in the Old Testament / Marriage among the Greeks / Roman marriage / Early Christian views on marriage and sex / The middle ages: The church and marriage / Marriage among the medieval laity / Courtly love an dits evolvements / The Renaissance and the Reformation: 1500-1615 / The age of reason and licentiousness: 1615-1789 / Romantics and Victorians: 1789-1918 / Havelock Ellis and Sigmund Freud: Philosophers of Sex / American marriage: From the colonies to the Civil War / Nineteenth-century experiments in marriage in the United States / The dawn of women's liberation and American marriage: 1865-1918 / Marriage and love in contemporary America / The sex explosion in America / Marriage in the Soviet Union / Marriage in China: Past and present / Japan: Confucius and computers / Marriage in Black Africa / The future of marriage: Some literary and theoretical approaches / Current marital innovations / Love, sex, and marriage: An overview and some predictions.