Self-help who? -- A first step -- A financial institution -- Turning point -- Innovation -- An "aha" moment -- "We did not have to be geniuses" -- Cy Pres -- "Shit disturbers" -- A box of rattlesnakes -- The emperor's naked -- "We're here forever" -- Self-help Federal : a national institution -- The mission.
Established by Martin Eakes and Bonnie Wright in North Carolina in 1980, the nonprofit Center for Community Self-Help has grown from an innovative financial institution dedicated to civil rights into the nation's largest home lender to low- and moderate-income borrowers. Self-Help's first capital campaign--a bake sale that raised a meager seventy-seven dollars for a credit union--may not have done much to fulfill the organization's early goals of promoting worker-owned businesses, but it was a crucial first step toward wielding inclusive lending as a weapon for economic justice. In Lending Power journalist and historian Howard E. Covington Jr. narrates the compelling story of Self-Help's founders and coworkers as they built a progressive and community-oriented financial institution. First established to assist workers displaced by closed furniture and textile mills, Self-Help created a credit union that expanded into providing home loans for those on the margins of the financial market, especially people of color and single mothers.
Eakes, Martin.
Eakes, Martin.
Self-Help Credit Union.
Self-Help Credit Union.
Credit unions-- North Carolina.
Loans, Personal-- North Carolina.
BUSINESS & ECONOMICS-- Economics-- General.
Credit unions.
HISTORY / United States / State & Local / South (AL, AR, FL, GA, KY, LA, MS, NC, SC, TN, VA, WV)