pt. I: Introduction -- 1. The stories about inequality that we love to tell / David B. Grusky and Szonja Szelényi.
pt. II: Does inequality serve a purpose? -- 2. Some principles of stratification / Kingsley Davis & Wilbert E. Moore -- 3. Inequality by design / Claude S. Fischer [and others] -- 4. Inequality, too much of a good thing / Alan B. Krueger.
pt. III: The structure of social inequality -- Social class -- 5. Classes in capitalism and pre-capitalism / Karl Marx -- 6. Class counts / Erik Olin Wright -- Status -- 7. Class, status, party / Max Weber -- 8. Is there a status order? / Tak Wing Chan & John H. Goldthorpe -- Income -- 9. Striking it Richer: The evolution of top incomes in the United States / Emmanuel Saez -- 10. Is market failure behind the takeoff in inequality? / David B. Grusky and Kim A. Weeden.
pt. IV: Inequality at the extremes -- The ruling class, the upper class, and elites -- 11. The power elite / C. Wright Mills -- 12. Who rules America? / G. William Domhoff -- 13. The future of intellectuals and the rise of the new class / Alvin W. Gouldner -- 14. Bobos in Paradise: The new upper class and how they got there / David Brooks -- Poverty and the underclass -- The experience of poverty -- 15. Nickel and dimed: On (not) getting by in America / Barbara Ehrenreich -- 16. The missing class: Portraits of the near poor in America / Katherine S. Newman and Victor Tan Chen -- How much poverty is there? -- 17. Poorer by comparison: Poverty, work, and public policy in comparative perspective / Timothy M. Smeeding -- The sources of poverty and the underclass -- 18. Jobless poverty: A new form of social dislocation in the inner-city ghetto / William Julius Wilson -- 19. American apartheid: Segregation and the making of the underclass / Douglas S. Massey & Nancy A. Denton -- 20. Neighborhoods, poverty, and children's well-being / Anne R. Pebley and Narayan Sastry -- Poverty and social policy -- 21. Flat broke with children: Women in the age of welfare reform / Sharon Hays -- 22. Incarceration, unemployment, and inequality / Bruce Western -- 23. Escaping poverty: Can housing vouchers help? / Stefanie DeLuca and James E. Rosenbaum.
pt. IX: Globalization and inequality -- 70. Globalism's discontents / Joseph E. Stiglitz -- 71. The new geography of global income inequality / Glenn Firebaugh.
pt. V: Racial and ethnic inequality -- Constructing racial categories -- 24. Racial formation in the United States: from the 1960s to the 1990s / Michael Omi and Howard Winant -- 25. Racial Identities in 2000: The response to the multiple-race response option / Reynolds Farley -- Modes of incorporation -- 26. The new second generation: Segmented assimilation and its variants / Alejandro Portes & Min Zhou -- 27. Black identities: West Indian immigrant dreams and American realities / Mary C. Waters -- Discrimination, prejudice, and stereotyping -- 28. Are Emily and Greg more employable than Lakisha and Jamal?: A field experiment on labor market discrimination / Marianne Bertrand and Sendhil Mullainathan -- 29. Marked: Race, crime, and finding work in an era of mass incarceration / Devah Pager -- 30. The continuing significance of race: Antiblack discrimination in public places / Joe R. Feagin -- 31. Stereotype threat and African-American student achievement / Claude Steele -- The future of racial and ethnic inequality -- 32. The declining significance of race: Blacks and changing American institutions / William Julius Wilson -- 33. Black wealth / white wealth: A new perspective on racial inequality / Melvin L. Oliver and Thomas M. Shapiro -- 34. The possibility of a new racial hierarchy in the Twenty-First-Century United States / Herbert J. Gans -- 35. What do you call a Black man with a Ph. D? / Lawrence Bobo.
pt. VI: Gender inequality -- Constructing categories -- 36. The social construction of gender / Judith Lorber -- Labor force participation -- 37. The time bind: When work becomes home and home becomes work / Arlie Russell Hochschild -- 38. The opt-out revolution / Lisa Belkin -- 39. Getting to equal: Progress, pitfalls, and policy solutions on the road to gender parity in the workplace / Pamela Stone -- 40. The time divide: Work, family, and gender inequality / Jerry A. Jacobs and Kathleen Gerson -- Discrimination -- 41. Orchestrating impartiality: The impact of "blind" auditions of female musicians / Claudia Golding and Cecilia Rouse -- 42. Getting a job: Is there a motherhood penalty? / Shelley J. Correll, Stephen Benard, and In Paik -- 43. Rethinking employment discrimination and its remedies / Sex segregation -- 44. Egalitarianism and gender inequality / Maria Charles and David B. Grusky -- 45. Detours on the road to equality: Women, work, and higher education / Jerry A. Jacobs -- The gender gap in wages -- 46. The within-job gender wage gap / Trond Petersen and Laurie A. Morgan -- 47. Devaluation and the pay of comparable male and female occupations / Paula England -- 48. the gender pay gap: Have women gone as far as they can? -- Globalization and gender -- 49. The nanny chain / Arlie Russell Hochschild.
pt. VII: Generating inequality -- The experience of mobility -- 50. No degree, and no way back to the middle / Timothy Egan -- The structure of educational mobility -- 51. Nonpersistent inequality in educational attainment: Evidence from eight European countries / Richard Breen, Ruud Luijkx, Walter Müller, & Reinhard Pollak -- The structure of social and economic mobility -- 52. A refined model of occupational mobility / David L. Featherman and Robert M. Hauser -- 53. Social mobility in Europe / Richard Breen -- 54. It's a decent bet that our children will be professors too / Jan O. Jonsson, David B. Grusky, Matthew Di Carlo, and Reinhard Pollak -- 55. Like watching grass grow? Assessing changes in U.S. economic mobility / Gregory Acs and Seth Zimmerman -- Status and income attainment -- Basic models -- 56. The process of stratification / Peter M. Blau & Otis Dudley Duncan, with the collaboration of Andrea Tyree -- 57. Family background and income in adulthood, 1961-1999 / David J. Harding, Christopher Jencks, Leonard M. Lopoo, and Susan E. Mayer -- Social psychological models -- 58. The educational and early occupational attainment process / William H. Sewell, Archibald O. Haller, & Alejandro Portes -- 59. Ain't no makin' it: Leveled aspirations in a low-income neighborhood / Jay MacLeod -- Sibling models -- 60. The pecking order: Which siblings succeed and why / Dalton Conley -- Social capital, networks, and attainment -- 61. The strength of weak ties / Mark S. Granovetter -- 62. Social networks and status attainment / Nan Lin -- 63. Structural holes / Ronald S. Burt -- 64. Networks, race, and hiring / Roberto M. Fernandez and Isabel Fernandez-Mateo.
pt. VIII: The consequences of inequality -- 65. Life at the top in America isn't just better, it's longer / Janny Scott -- 66. Health, income, and inequality / John Mullahy, Stephanie Robert, and Barbara Wolfe -- 67. The social stratification of theater, dance, and cinema attendance / Tak Wing Chan and John H. Goldthorpe -- 68. Unequal childhoods: class, race, and family life / Annette Lareau -- 69. The digital reproduction of inequality / Eszter Hargittai.
pt. X: What is to be done? -- Economic stimulus and jobs -- 72. Little labor : How Union decline is changing the American landscape / Jake Rosenfeld -- 73. Crisis no more: The success of Obama's stimulus program / Gary Burtless -- Early childhood education -- 74. Skill formation and the economics of investing in disadvantaged children / James J. Heckman -- Neighborhoods and poverty -- 75. The Harlem miracle / David Brooks -- Employment and unemployment -- 76. Flexicurity / Joshua Cohen and Charles Sabel -- Wealth and savings -- 77. A Golden parachute for everyone? / Dalton Conley -- Taxes and redistribution -- 78. The pragmatic case for Reducing income inequality / Robert Frank -- Executive compensation -- 79. Tackling the managerial power problem: The key to improving executive compensation / Lucien Bebchuk and Jesse M. Fried -- A cautionary note -- 80. Poverty and marriage, income inequality, and brains / Charles Murray.
"The editors David B. Grusky and Szonja Szelényi have assembled the most relevant classic and contemporary readings, providing balanced coverage of inequality's past and present. The carefully selected essays are methodologically diverse and interdisciplinary in nature and cover the important course topics such as poverty, discrimination, and gender. With thirty new readings, the second edition provides expanded focus on policy issues, allowing students to learn about the possibilities for improving inequality, as well as additional qualitative readings that make the scholarship more accessible and relatable."--Pub. desc.