History of christian philosophy in the middle ages
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Intro; Contents; FOREWORD; INTRODUCTION; PART ONE. The Greek Apologists; CHAPTER I. The Greek Apologists; 1. Aristides and Quadratus; 2. Justin Martyr; 3. Tatian; 4. Athenagoras; 5. Theophilus of Antioch; 6. Irenaeus; 7. Hippolytus; PART TWO. Early Christian Speculation; CHAPTER I. The Alexandrines; 1. Clement of Alexandria; 2. Origen; A. God; B. The Logos; C. The World; CHAPTER II. The Latin Apologists; 1. Tertullian; 2. Minucius Felix; 3. Amobius; 4. Lactantius; CHAPTER III. The Cappadocians; 1. Gregory Nazianzenus; 2. Basil the Great; 3. Gregory of Nyssa; A. Cosmology; B. Anthropology
3. Clarenbaud of Arras4. John of Salisbury; CHAPTER IV. Peter Abelard; 1. Logic; 2. Ethics; 3. Theology; CHAPTER V. Speculative Mysticism; Saint Bernard of Clairvaux; William of Saint Thierry; Isaac of Stella; AIcher of Clairvaux; Victorines; CHAPTER VI. Alan of Lille; Maxims of Theology; Christian Notion of Nature; Art of Catholic Faith; PART FIVE. Arabian and Jewish Philosophy; CHAPTER 1. Arabian Philosophy; 1. Alkindi and Alfarabi; 2. Avicenna; A. Logic; B. Physics; C. Astronomy; D. Psychology; E. Metaphysics; F. Theology; 3. Averroes; A. Philosophy and Religion
4. From Cassiodorus to Gregory the GreatPART FOUR. From Scotus Erigena to Saint Bernard; CHAPTER I. Johannes Scotus Erigena; 1. Faith and Reason; 2. Nature and Its Division; 3. The Divine Ideas; 4. Creation and Revelation; 5. Creation and Illumination; 6. The Hierarchy of Beings; 7. The Return to God; CHAPTER II. Saint Anselm of Canterbury; 1. Reason and Faith; 2. The Existence of God in the Monologium; 3. The Proof of the Proslogion; 4. Attributes of God and Creation; 5. Knowledge and Will; CHAPTER III. Platonism in the Twelfth Century; 1. Gilbert of La Porree; 2. Thierry of Chartres
B. Epistemology and MetaphysicsCHAPTER II. Jewish Philosophy; 1. Solomon Ibn Gabirol; 2. Moses Maimonides; PART SIX. Early Scholasticism; CHAPTER I. Greco-Arabian Influences; Translations; Liber de Causis; Dominic Gundisalvi; De fluxu entis; Amaury of Bene; David of Dinant; Theological Syncretism; Pontifical Decrees Concerning Aristotle; CHAPTER II. Universities and Scholasticism; Organization and Teaching Methods; Beginning of Universities; CHAPTER III. Early Thirteenth-Century Theologians; 1. Paris; William of Auvergne; Adam Pulchrae Mulieris; 2. Oxford; A. Robert Grosseteste
C. Theology4. Nemesius; PART THREE. From Augustine to Boethius; CHAPTER I. Victorinus and Augustine; 1. Marius Victorinus; 2. Augustine; A. God; B. The World; C. Man and Knowledge; D. Ethics; CHAPTER II. End of the Greek Patristic Age; 1. Denis the Areopagite; 2. Maximus of Chrysopolis; 3. Johannes Philoponus; 4. John Damascene; 5. The Platonism of the Fathers; CHAPTER III. End of the Latin Patristic Age; 1. Faustus of Riez; 2. Claudianus Mamertus; 3. Boethius; A. Problems in Logic; B. Problems in Psychology and Theology; C. Problems in the Philosophy of Natlue