Sources of the militant investigation in Marxism: Marx, Lenin, and Mao-Workers inquiries from breakaway Trotskyism to Italian workerism-Badiou, the Maoist investigation, and the party form-In the shadow of Oedipus: enquêtes in Foucault's theory and practice.
Intro; Contents; Acknowledgments; 1 Introduction; Fragments for a More Comprehensive Analysis; On the Production of Militant Knowledge; Investigations from Marxism to Post-Marxism (and Pre-Marxism); Rethinking the "Failure" of Militant Investigations; Collective Political Subjectivity; Overview of the Chapters; 2 Sources of the Militant Investigation in Marxism: Marx, Lenin, and Mao; Marx's Questionnaire: An Unambiguous Failure?; Lenin's Critique of Workers' Inquiries; Between Subjectivity and Objectivity: Mao's Investigation; On the Political Afterlives of Investigations
3 Workers' Inquiries from Breakaway Trotskyism to Italian WorkerismFrom the Questionnaire to the Narrative: Workers' Inquiries of the Johnson-Forest Tendency and Correspondence; Socialisme ou Barbarie and the (Failed) Solicitation of Worker Narratives; From Conflict to Antagonism: The Workers' Inquiries of Quaderni Rossi; 4 Badiou, the Maoist Investigation, and the Party Form; UCFML Investigations in Context; Practical Challenges; Proletarian Political Leadership Over Poor Peasants; Postscript: Politics Without Party; 5 In the Shadow of Oedipus: Enquêtes in Foucault's Theory and Practice
Foucault's Genealogy of the EnquêteFoucault's Practice of the Enquête; Crossing the Gap: Workers' Inquiries; Learning from the Gap; 6 Conclusion; Rebirths of the Militant Investigation; Notes; Bibliography; Index