edited by John Frederick Bailyn, Dijana Jelaca, and Danijela Lugaric.
Albany :
State University of New York Press,
1 online resource
SUNY Series, Pangaea II: Global/Local Studies
Includes bibliographical references and index.
Intro; Contents; List of Illustrations; Preface; Acknowledgments; Introduction. The "Radiant Future" of Spatial and Temporal Dis/Orientations; The Unfinished Business of (Post)Socialism; Reflecting a Radiant Future; The Circuits of Intimacy; Acknowledgments; Notes; References; Part 1. New Approaches to (Post)Socialism: The Theory in Transition; Chapter 1. The Endless Innovations of the Semiperiphery and the Peculiar Power of Eastern Europe; Dialectics of the Semiperiphery; The Diffusion of the Yugoslav Self-Management Model; Isomorphism and the Semiperiphery
Part 2. (Post)Socialist Space(s)Chapter 4. "Brand" New States: Postsocialism, the Global Economy of Symbols, and the Challenges of National Differentiation; Branding the Nation: A Précis of the Practice and Its Goals; The Curious Knot: An Overview of the Relationship between State Branding and (Post)Socialism; "This is Jüri": Making Estonians, or the Evolution of the Postsocialism's Branded Wunderkind; Notes; References; Chapter 5. Putting the 'Public' in Public Goods: Space Wars in a Post-Soviet Dacha Community; Introduction: Revisiting the "Grand Dichotomy."
Primary Source PeriodicalsMemoir, Literature, and Autobiography; Scholarly Studies; Part 3. Memories of the Future; Chapter 7. Back to the Future of (Post)Socialism: The Afterlife of Socialism in Post-Yugoslav Cultural Space; Socialist Futurologists; It is Not the Future that Always Comes After; The Breakup of Yugoslavia-The Breakup of Memory; A Cultural Return of Socialism; When Remembrance Turns into History ... and History Turns into Art; Modes and Tonalities; Fifty Shades of Socialism; Postsocialist Futurologists: A Possible New Phase?; Acknowledgment; Notes; References
The Contested Theorization Trajectory of Civil SocietyEastern Europe as Neoliberal Testing Ground; Eastern Europe and the Reinvention of the Right; Notes; References; Chapter 2. Socialist Future in Light of Socialist Past and Capitalist Present; Introduction; Socialist Past; Explaining the Demise of the Soviet System; Capitalist Present; Socialist Future; Notes; References; Chapter 3. "Failing the Metronome": Queer Reading of the Postsocialist Transitio; Fast-Forward from Backwardness; There is No Transition; "I am Dizzy and Weak From the Sudden Transition"; Notes; References
The Public and the Private in a Post-Soviet Dacha SettlementOther(s) of Novoogradnoe; Materializing Divides, Partitioning Space; "For the Moms and Financed by the Moms": The Playground Story; Conclusion: Soviet Legacies in Post-Soviet Times; Notes; References; Chapter 6. Baku's Soviet Vnye: The Post-Soviet Creation of a Soviet Past; Introduction; The Spaces of Baku Neighborhoods; Sociability in Baku Neighborhoods; Gangs and Neighborhood Territoriality; The Bakinets: Remembering a Multiethnic Idyll; A Lost Space of Sociability: Home as Nostalgia; References; Archival Sources
Future of (post)socialism.
Post-communism-- Europe, Eastern.
Socialism-- Europe, Eastern.
POLITICAL SCIENCE-- Political Ideologies-- Communism & Socialism.