Einstein, waves & the origin of the natural laws /
by Milo Wolff.
Parker, CO :
Outskirts Press,
x, 167 pages :
illustrations ;
26 cm
Includes bibliographical references and index.
Prologue -- Glossary -- Chapter 1 Introduction to the wave structure of matter (WSM). -- Chapter 2 Quantum waves, nature, matter, and space -- Chapter 3 The mysterious electron -- Chapter 4 nature, evolution, and the binary universe -- Chapter 5 Origins of the natural laws from the wave structure of matter -- Chapter 6 History of the search for the wave structure of matter -- Chapter 7 All about waves -- Chapter 8 Energy is the substance of matter and the universe -- Chapter 9 Scientists are human too the process of finding knowledge -- Chapter 10 the simplicity of the wave structure of matter -- Chapter 11 astronomy and cosmology -- Chapter 12 Mathematics of the electron -- Chapter 12 Mathematics of the electron -- Chapter 13 Mathematics of electron spin -- Epilogue Future applications of the WSM -- References.
Erwin Schrodinger (1937) perceived that the whole Universe, what we observe as material bodies and forces, are nothing but shapes and variations in the structure of space. When he and Einstein debated the particle theorists led by Neils Bohr, most scientists thought they had lost it. This book shows they were right; that all matter is one Wave Structure in the space of the Universe. If the stars did not exist, we could not exist.