Embryology and physiology of the fetal heart -- Scanning : indications and technique -- Cardiac malposition -- Atrial septal defects -- Ventricular septal defects -- Atrioventricular septal defects -- Hypoplastic left heart syndrome -- Hypoplasia of the right ventricle -- Univentricular heart -- Aortic stenosis and pulmonary stenosis -- Coarctation of the aorta -- Ebstein anomaly -- Tetralogy of fallot -- Persistent truncus arteriosus -- Complete and congenitally corrected transposition of the great arteries -- Anomalous pulmonary venous connection -- Double-outlet right ventricle and double-outlet left ventricle -- Congenital cardiac masses -- Cardiosplenic syndromes -- Fetal cardiomyopathies -- Fetal dysrhythmias -- First trimester fetal echocardiography -- 3D fetal echocardiography prenatal intervention in the fetus with cardiac disease.
Perfect for both the novice learning to perform fetal echocardiography, as well as the expert needing more details of various anomalies, this comprehensive text/atlas covers everything you need to know. It incorporates a practical, multidisciplinary approach to diagnosis and management with contributors from various medical specialties. You'll find complete information on physiology, detailed guidelines on how to perform a fetal echocardiogram, and highly illustrated coverage of various congenital heart abnormalities. Full-color images, coverage of the latest technologies, and a new companion CD keep you up to date with the latest in this fast-changing field. Coverage of congenital heart abnormalities includes how the conditions look on scans, which scanning views and modalities to use, differential diagnosis, prognosis, and treatment. Three new chapters cover first trimester fetal echocardiography, 3D fetal echocardiography, and fetal intervention, all incorporating the newest technologies and treatments. Evolve Online Resources includes an image collection of over 400 illustrations from the text.
System requirements for accompanying CD-ROM: WIN/MAC.