edited by Detlef Nolte and Almut Schilling-Vacaflor.
Farnham :
Ashgate Publishing Ltd,
1 online resource (436 pages)
Includes index.
Includes bibliographical references and index.
Part 1: Introduction and Analytical Concepts; 1 Introduction: The Times they are a Changin'; 2 Explaining Constitutional Change; 3 Toward a Theory of Formal Constitutional Change; 4 Still the Land of Presidentialism?; 5 What do we mean when we talk about 'Critical Constitutionalism'?; Part 2: Reflections on the New Latin American Constitutionalism from a Historical and Comparative Perspective; 6 Latin American Constitutionalism; 7 Latin American Constitutionalism Then and Now.
15 Colombia's 1991 Constitution: A Rights Revolution16 How Does the New Constitutionalism Respond to the Human Rights Challenges?; 17 Plurinational Constitutionalism; 18 Turning Legal Pluralism into State-Sanctioned Law; Conclusions.
Part 3: Case Studies: The Impact of New Constitutions on Democracy and Governance8 Neo-Constitutionalism in Twenty-first Century Venezuela; 9 New Constitutions and the Transformation of Democracy in Bolivia and Ecuador*; 10 Constitutionalizing Policy; 11 Change and Continuity in Dominican Constitutions; 12 Chile: Democratization through Constitutional Reforms; Part 4: Case Studies: The Empowerment of Courts; 13 Institutional Design and Judicial Behaviour; 14 Constitutional Courts and Constitutional Change; Part 5: Case Studies: Rights Revolution and Indigenous State Transformation.
Authors from a number of different disciplines offer a general overview of constitutional reforms in Latin America since 1990. They explore the historical, philosophical and doctrinal differences between traditional and new constitutionalism in Latin America and examine sources of inspiration. The book also covers sociopolitical settings, which factors and actors are relevant for the reform process, and analyzes the constitutional practices after reform, including the question of whether the recent constitutional reforms created new post-liberal democracies with an enhanced human and social ri.
New Constitutionalism in Latin America : Promises and Practices.