edited by Russ McDonald, Nicholas D. Nace, and Travis D. Williams.
[London] :
Methuen Drama,
1 online resource (xxxv, 377 pages) :
Arden Shakespeare
Includes bibliographical references (pages 353-368) and index.
Editorial emendation and the opening of A midsummer night's dream / Lukas Erne -- The story of O : reading letters in the prologue to Henry V / Travis D. Williams -- The sense of a beginning / Donald M. Friedman -- Spenser up close : temporality in The faerie queene / Linda Gregerson -- 'At heaven's gate' / Paul Edmonson, Stanley Wells -- On Shakespeare's Sonnet 60 / Brian Gibbons -- Balthasar's song in Much ado about nothing / Mark Womack -- The persistence of the flesh in Deaths duell / Kimberly Johnson -- The syntax of understanding : Herbert's 'Prayer (I)' / Daniel Shore -- The real presence of unstated puns : Herbert's 'Love (III)' / Michael Schoenfeldt -- 'Hardly they heard ' / Jeff Dolven -- Having it both ways in Juliet's 'Gallop apace' speech / Brett Gamboa -- 'To Celia' : not too close / Erik Gray -- Marvell's 'Mourning' / Stanley Fish -- On the value of the Town-Bayes / David A. Brewer -- Pointless Milton : a close reading in negative / Nicholas D. Nace -- Marlowe's will, Marlowe's shall / Drew Daniel -- Reading intensity : Sonnet 12 / Susan J. Wolfson -- 'Against' interpretations : rereading Sonnet 49 / Heather Dubrow -- The chimney-sweepers conceit in the song for Fidele in Cymbeline / Margaret Maurer -- Mille viae mortis / A.R. Braunmuller -- Donne the time traveller : reading 'The relic' / Stephen Burt -- Fletcher's Mad lover and the last Shakespeare / Jeremy Lopez -- 'And ten low words oft creep in one dull line' : Sidney's perfection of a sonnet device / Norman Rabkin -- The fox and his pause : punctuating consciousness in Jonson's Volpone / Robert N. Watson -- Some similes in Paradise lost, book 9 / Paul Alpers -- Telling stories / Russ McDonald -- Richard's soliloquy : Richard II, 5.5.1-49 / Harry Berger Jr. -- Virtual presence and vicarious identity in the first tetralogy / Joel B. Altman -- Unmuffling Isabella / George T. Wright -- Hamlet's 'serious hearing' : 'sound' vs. 'use' of 'voice' / Garrett Stewart -- Hamlet's couplets / James Grantham Turner -- The dumb show in Hamlet / Tiffany Stern -- Claudius on his knees / Coppelia Kahn -- Gertrude's gallery / Lena Cowen Orlin -- The fool's promised exit / Margreta de Grazia -- How can act 5 forget Lear and Cordelia? / Charles Altieri -- Exits without exiting / Ralph Alan Cohen -- Playing Prospero against the grain / Michael Ellis-Tolaydo.
Close reading beginnings -- Close reading experiences -- Close reading both ways -- Close rereading -- Close reading techniques -- Close reading Hamlet -- Close reading endings.
"This landmark collection of newly-commissioned essays by leading international scholars offers expert close readings of Shakespeare and other early modern authors. The book is an intervention into current critical methodology as well as an invaluable tool for all students of the literature of the period, exemplifying the possibilities of close reading in the hands of a range of gifted practitioners. Chapters cover a range of key texts from Shakespeare and other major writers of the period such as Sidney, Donne, Jonson, Marvell and Milton."--Page 4 of cover.
Shakespeare up close
Shakespeare, William,1564-1616-- Criticism and interpretation.
Shakespeare, William,1564-1616.
English literature-- Early modern, 1500-1700-- History and criticism-- Theory, etc.
English literature-- Early modern, 1500-1700-- History and criticism.