Cover; Title; Copyright; Dedication; CONTENTS; Preface; CHAPTER 1. THE SIN OF BIAS; A Brief History of the "Yes Man"; Neophilia: When the Positive and New Trumps the Negative but True; Replicating Concepts Instead of Experiments; Reinventing History; The Battle against Bias; CHAPTER 2. THE SIN OF HIDDEN FLEXIBILITY; p-Hacking; Peculiar Patterns of p; Ghost Hunting; Unconscious Analytic "Tuning"; Biased Debugging; Are Research Psychologists Just Poorly Paid Lawyers?; Solutions to Hidden Flexibility; CHAPTER 3. THE SIN OF UNRELIABILITY; Sources of Unreliability in Psychology.
Reason 1: Disregard for Direct ReplicationReason 2: Lack of Power; Reason 3: Failure to Disclose Methods; Reason 4: Statistical Fallacies; Reason 5: Failure to Retract; Solutions to Unreliability; CHAPTER 4. THE SIN OF DATA HOARDING; The Untold Benefits of Data Sharing; Failure to Share; Secret Sharing; How Failing to Share Hides Misconduct; Making Data Sharing the Norm; Grassroots, Carrots, and Sticks; Unlocking the Black Box; Preventing Bad Habits; CHAPTER 5. THE SIN OF CORRUPTIBILITY; The Anatomy of Fraud; The Thin Gray Line; When Junior Scientists Go Astray; Kate's Story.
Solving the Sin of UnreliabilitySolving the Sin of Data Hoarding; Solving the Sin of Corruptibility; Solving the Sin of Internment; Solving the Sin of Bean Counting; Concrete Steps for Reform; Coda; Notes; Index.
The Dirty Dozen: How to Get Away with FraudCHAPTER 6. THE SIN OF INTERNMENT; The Basics of Open Access Publishing; Why Do Psychologists Support Barrier- Based Publishing?; Hybrid OA as Both a Solution and a Problem; Calling in the Guerrillas; Counterarguments; An Open Road; CHAPTER 7. THE SIN OF BEAN COUNTING; Roads to Nowhere; Impact Factors and Modern-Day Astrology; Wagging the Dog; The Murky Mess of Academic Authorship; Roads to Somewhere; CHAPTER 8. REDEMPTION; Solving the Sins of Bias and Hidden Flexibility; Registered Reports: A Vaccine against Bias; Preregistration without Peer Review.
Psychological science has made extraordinary discoveries about the human mind, but can we trust everything its practitioners are telling us? In recent years, it has become increasingly apparent that a lot of research in psychology is based on weak evidence, questionable practices, and sometimes even fraud. The Seven Deadly Sins of Psychology diagnoses the ills besetting the discipline today and proposes sensible, practical solutions to ensure that it remains a legitimate and reliable science in the years ahead. In this unflinchingly candid manifesto, Chris Chambers draws on his own experiences as a working scientist to reveal a dark side to psychology that few of us ever see. Using the seven deadly sins as a metaphor, he shows how practitioners are vulnerable to powerful biases that undercut the scientific method, how they routinely torture data until it produces outcomes that can be published in prestigious journals, and how studies are much less reliable than advertised. He reveals how a culture of secrecy denies the public and other researchers access to the results of psychology experiments, how fraudulent academics can operate with impunity, and how an obsession with bean counting creates perverse incentives for academics. Left unchecked, these problems threaten the very future of psychology as a science--but help is here. Outlining a core set of best practices that can be applied across the sciences, Chambers demonstrates how all these sins can be corrected by embracing open science, an emerging philosophy that seeks to make research and its outcomes as transparent as possible.