Includes bibliographical references (pages 247-282) and index.
"Fiction calls the facts by their name": the new Left's Pop-philosopher -- "Science!": how a pervert launched a revolution -- "Coercion in a good cause": environmentalism's false prophet -- "Speciesism": Animal-rights fanaticism in action -- "And that is my truth": liars and the intellectuals who enable them -- "History itself as a political act": the Three Stooges of the Anti-American Left -- "A truth that lesser mortals failed to grasp": how ideologues hijacked U.S. Foreign Policy -- "Human weeds": the real foundations of the Abortion-Rights Movement -- "Absolutely sgregate the races": how a racial separatist became a Civil Rights hero -- "Forgery by typewriter": a half century of Leftist delusions -- "It's totally rational": the church of objectivism -- "Comfortable concentration camp": feminism's fitting matriarch -- "Therefore we will be incoherent": Postmodernism and the triumph of ideology over truth.
Daniel J. Flynn shows how people can be so blinded to reality by the causes they serve that they espouse bizarre, sometimes ridiculous, and often dangerous positions. The most influential social movements have spawned ideologues who do not care whether an idea is good or bad, true or false, but only whether it can serve their cause.