Cover; Half Title; Title Page; Copyright Page; Preface; Reader's Guide; The Author; Acknowledgments; Table of Contents; PART 1: MANAGEMENT STRATEGIES; 1.1 INTRODUCTION; 1.2 MANAGEMENT GOALS AND PURPOSES; 1.2.1 Sustainable Use of Resources; 1.2.2 Biological Diversity; 1.2.3 Protection Against Natural Hazards; 1.2.4 Pollution Control; 1.2.5 Economic Development Management and Planning; 1.2.6 Enhancement of Social Welfare of Coastal Communities; 1.2.7 Optimum Mix of Uses; 1.3 DEVELOPMENT IMPACTS; 1.3.1 General Issues; 1.3.2 Agriculture; 1.3.3 Aquaculture; 1.3.4 Forest Industries
1.3.5 Heavy Industry1.3.6 Infrastructure; 1.3.7 Mining; 1.3.8 National Security; 1.3.9 Petroleum Industry; 1.3.10 Ports and Marinas; 1.3.11 Tourism; 1.3.12 Settlements; 1.3.13 Shore Protection Works; 1.3.l4 Waste Disposal; 1.3.15 Water Supply Projects; 1.3.16 Marine Excavation; 1.4 SOLUTIONS THROUGH MANAGEMENT; 1.4.1 The Integrated Approach; 1.4.2 The Search for Sustainable Yield; 1.4.3 Biodiversity Conservation; 1.4.4 Natural Hazards; 1.4.5 Hinterlands; 1.4.6 Management Functions; 1.4.7 Designing an lCZM Program; 1.4.8 Joint Management of Land and Sea; 1.4.9 Non-integrated Option
1.5 STRATEGY PLANNING1.5.1 The Process; 1.5.2 Objectives; 1.5.3 Policy Formulation; 1.5.4 Issues Analysis; 1.5.5 Dimensions of Coastal Zone; 1.5.6 Seastorms and Other Hazards; 1.5.7 Hinter lands; 1.5.8 Pollution; 1.5.9 Biological Diversity; 1.5.10 Multiple Use; 1.5.11 Integration; 1.5.12 Coordination; 1.5.13 Institutional Mechanisms; 1.5.14 Legislation; 1.5.15 Project Review, Permits. and Environmental Assessment; 1.5.16 Setbacks; 1.5.17 Incremental Approach; 1.5.18 Participation; 1.5.19 Motivation; 1.5.20 Addressing Socio-economic Concerns; 1.5.21 Allernative Livelihoods; 1.5.22 Information
1.5.23 Comparable Planning1.6 PROGRAM DEVELOPMENT; 1.6.1 Orientation of Program; 1.6.2 Master Plan; 1.6.3 Jurisdiction; 1.6.4 Land Use; 1.6.5 Regulatory Program-Permits and Reviews; 1.6.6 Environmental Assessment; 1.6.7 Protected Areas; 1.6.8 Situation Management; 1.6.9 Information Services; 1.6.10 Technical Services; 1.6.11 Restoration and Rehabilitation; 1.6.12 Operational Format; 1.6.13 Program Evaluation; PART 2: MANAGEMENT METHODS; 2.1 AQUACULTURE MANAGEMENT; 2.2 AWARENESS; 2.3 BASELINE AND MONITORING; 2.4 BEACH MANAGEMENT; 2.5 BOUNDARIES; 2.6 CONSTRUCTION MANAGEMENT