Cover; Half Title; Title Page; Copyright Page; PREFACE; THE AUTHORS; Table of Contents; CHAPTER 1 -- INTRODUCTION; 1.1 Energy and Power; 1.2 Growth Rates; 1.3 Major Energy Sources; 1.4 Limitations to Power Generation; References; Problems; CHAPTER 2 -- AC CIRCUIT ANALYSIS; 2.1 Representation of AC Quantities; 2.2 Power in AC Circuits; 2.3 Balanced Three-Phase Systems; Problems; CHAPTER 3 -- COMPONENTS OF ELECTRIC POWER SYSTEMS; 3.1 History of Central-Station Electric Service; 3.2 Electric Power Generators; 3.3 Transformers; 3.4 Transmission Lines; 3.5 Circuit Breakers and Disconnect Switches
3.6 Voltage Regulators3.7 Subtransmission; 3.8 Distribution Systems; 3.9 Loads; 3.10 Capacitors; 3.11 Overall Representation of a Power System; 3.12 Equivalent Circuits and Reactance Diagrams; 3.13 Per Unit Representation; Problems; CHAPTER 4 -- POWER FLOW STUDIES; 4.1 Power Flow in a Short Transmission Line; 4.2 An Iterative Procedure; 4.3 Bus Admittance Matrix; 4.4 The Power Flow Equations; 4.5 The Gauss and Gauss-Seidel Methods; 4.6 The Newton-Raphson Method; 4.7 Alternative Newton-Raphson Methods; 4.8 Control of Reactive Power Flow; 4.9 Computer Solution of Power Flow Problems; Problems
APPENDIX II -- POWER TRANSFORMERSII. 1 Construction; II. 2 Operation; II. 3 Voltage, Current, and Impedance Transformations; II. 4 The Nonideal Transformer; II. 5 Per Unit Impedances; II. 6 Performance Characteristics; II. 7 Autotransformers; II. 8 Three-Phase Transformer Connection; II. 9 Tap Changing Transformers; APPENDIX III -- SYNCHRONOUS MACHINES; III. 1 Operation of a Synchronous Generator; III. 2 Construction Features; III. 3 Steady-State Analysis of Synchronous Machines; III. 4 Transients in Synchronous Machines; APPENDIX IV -- POWER TRANSMISSION LINES; IV. 1 Transmission-Line Parameters
CHAPTER 5 -- FAULT CALCULATIONS AND POWER SYSTEM PROTECTION5.1 Types of Faults; 5.2 Symmetrical Faults; 5.3 Bus Impedance Matrix; 5.4 Unsymmetrical Faults and Symmetrical Components; 5.5 Relationship Between Sequence Voltages and Sequence Currents; 5.6 Sequence Power; 5.7 Sequence Impedances and Sequence Networks; 5.8 General Procedures for Fault Analysis and Computer Techniques; 5.9 Components of a Protection System; 5.10 Instrument Transformers; 5.11 Relays; 5.12 Circuit Breakers; 5.13 Protection of Lines, Transformers, and Generators; 5.14 Bus Impedance Matrix Formation; Problems
CHAPTER 6 -- POWER SYSTEM STABILITY6.1 Inertia Constant and the Swing Equation; 6.2 Evaluation of the H Constant; 6.3 Power Flow Under Steady State; 6.4 Equal-Area Criterion; 6.5 Machine Faults and the Critical Clearing Angle; 6.6 Step-by-Step Solution; 6.7 Multi-Machine Systems; 6.8 Computer Analysis; 6.9 Summary; Problems; CHAPTER 7 -- POWER SYSTEM OPERATION AND CONTROL; 7.1 Economic Distribution of Load Between Generators; 7.2 Effect of Transmission-Line Loss; 7.3 Load Distribution Between Plants; 7.4 Power System Control; Problems; APPENDIX I -- CHARACTERISTICS OF ALUMINUM CONDUCTORS
The field of electrical engineering has become increasingly diversified, resulting in a spectrum of emerging topics - from microelectromechanics to light-wave technology. Keeping pace with progressing technology, and covering the scope of related subjects, Electric Power Systems provides introductory, fundamental knowledge in several areas.